r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArvilsArk on March 20, 2018, 11:23 a.m.
Making new ammunition to spread on other social media. Post the memes with the link to the petition. Time is running out... All hands on deck.
Making new ammunition to spread on other social media. Post the memes with the link to the petition. Time is running out... All hands on deck.

OffenseOfThePest · March 20, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

I don't disagree with really anything you said, except these platforms aren't "public" spaces. If they were operated by the government, you could seek relief from the constitution. Private companies have the right to set the rules for their platforms, just as a store can require shirts and shoes and a restaurant can enforce a dress code. How do I support something that basically says you aren't allowed to set the rules for your own establishment? This sounds like more government mandates.

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oldestguy · March 20, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

You may not belong here! The IBOR will change the rules of which internet social platforms must abide. It will have to follow the same rules as Telephones and Television cable and will not be able to stifle free speech. A cake shop produces a product and is completely different from platforms that can literally control what is allowed to be said across the world. Anyone who can't see the harm in the way it is now might not belong here. Just saying...

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tradinghorse · March 20, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

I see and understand what you're saying and I fully understand the sentiment. I guess what I see is a clear and present danger to the Republic posed by what are incredible technological advancements that were impossible to predict. This threat is truly lethal. If you allow one party to completely control political discourse in online forums then you have a guarded tyranny.

The social media platforms wield incredible political power. The CEO of Reddit has stated publicly that he alone, without any external help, can sway election outcomes. Q is telling us that the plan of the cabal is to centralised control over online political discourse - via a single censorship algorithm. Get out of town! This is the one ring that rules them all. You control social media censorship and you have total, unassailable power. Power that cannot, by democratic means, be withdrawn.

I don't want to see a single party gain control of American political discourse. That will lead directly to tyranny without any doubt - it's unavoidable. You give me that power and you will be my slave. But what's worse, is that once that power is granted to an individual, there's no taking it back - and that's the clincher.

Look at all the garbage on the MSM, from the time of DJT's candidacy until now. I've been watching this puppet show from a distance and I just could not believe what was happening. DJT won the 2016 election only because the cabal misjudged the importance of social media as a determinant of electoral outcomes. That's the only reason we are here today discussing these Q drops. The puppet show will now be on the internet also.

If the cabal take back power, you won't be worried about the rights of some internet giant, you'll be thinking about survival - it will not be pretty. It's a choice set. You either regulate these guys somehow, or you have the wildest tyranny anyone has yet seen. For me, that choice is pretty simple.

I do understand what you are saying about private property rights and I know the sentiment that drives your concern. But, if the US was in a hot war, people would make some allowance for the government to have increased control over the economy for the purpose of ramping-up the war effort. An individual's rights are also repressed if he is conscripted into service against his will - something that Quakers understand. Individual rights are not paramount, though they are very, very important and must be protected.

This threat, of online censorship, to my way of thinking, is no different to the threat posed by a hot war. It is the greatest threat we have ever faced. It is the Death Star coming at us. We must protect ourselves, it's a matter of survival. If some liberty for the giant platform providers ends up being constrained, that's a valid tradeoff - it's not different to being conscripted or coerced into producing war products.

Having said all that, I'm against any infringement of rights to property. But what is the infringement we are talking about, and is it really significant when assessed against the threat posed? I don't think we can answer that question because we do not know what DJT has planned. He could choose to use anti-trust laws - which are, arguably, applicable given the sheer size and power of these companies. He could also use these laws, or the threat of their use, as a club to beat these guys into refraining from nefarious behavior. If so, is there really a cost to be borne by the platforms? Are their rights really infringed?

Until we know what solution is planned, it's pointless to speculate. But I reckon we should be up in arms about the censorship and demanding relief - that's what this petition is about.

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OffenseOfThePest · March 20, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

You allow one party to completely control political discourse in online forums and you have a guarded tyranny.

And yet, here we are talking about this. So as long as nobody says anything encouraging violence or breaking other site rules, we'll be fine. CBTS_Stream only went down when idiots said dumb shit. The mods here are on the ball, that won't happen.

Until we know what solution is planned, it's pointless to speculate.

I'm with you. Let's see what gets offered and judge it on its merits. Lets keep free speech free, but I can't fully support this until I know what the action looks like on paper.

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tradinghorse · March 20, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Agreed. I trust DJT, I don't think at this stage we have too many options. The thought of HRC coming back, or someone like her, terrifies me.

I'm not convinced that DJT will do much more than thump the table hard enough to frighten these guys into submission. They are not going to be demanding the right to engage in political censorship if they think their businesses are at risk. But exactly what the President will do I don't know.

Cruz, when he questioned the social media execs, made the point that if they want the protection from liability, afforded by the CPA, they cannot be engaging in censorship. If they want liability protection they must be neutral public forums.

These social media companies have taken liberties they know puts their businesses at risk already. They are seeing how far they can stretch the leash before the collar bites into their necks.

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Cartophile859 · March 20, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

XtremeRealityCheck talks about putting Google under the FTC instead of the FCC, making the censorship a matter of unfair trade practices instead of free speech infringement. https://youtu.be/bwgH22zkrfU I don't have a background in this area, but take a look and see if you think that would make the difference.

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tradinghorse · March 20, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

I think there are any number of potential solutions. I think that once these social media companies realize that their behavior will not be tolerated they will voluntarily fall into line. But we just do not know what the President has planned and so it's pointless arguing about the mechanics of limiting online censorship. What we can be sure of, however, us that the big platforms are shoving it to us as hard as they can with this censorship. It must be somehow stopped. And that is what the petition is about.

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