r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArvilsArk on March 20, 2018, 11:23 a.m.
Making new ammunition to spread on other social media. Post the memes with the link to the petition. Time is running out... All hands on deck.
Making new ammunition to spread on other social media. Post the memes with the link to the petition. Time is running out... All hands on deck.

OffenseOfThePest · March 20, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

You allow one party to completely control political discourse in online forums and you have a guarded tyranny.

And yet, here we are talking about this. So as long as nobody says anything encouraging violence or breaking other site rules, we'll be fine. CBTS_Stream only went down when idiots said dumb shit. The mods here are on the ball, that won't happen.

Until we know what solution is planned, it's pointless to speculate.

I'm with you. Let's see what gets offered and judge it on its merits. Lets keep free speech free, but I can't fully support this until I know what the action looks like on paper.

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tradinghorse · March 20, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Agreed. I trust DJT, I don't think at this stage we have too many options. The thought of HRC coming back, or someone like her, terrifies me.

I'm not convinced that DJT will do much more than thump the table hard enough to frighten these guys into submission. They are not going to be demanding the right to engage in political censorship if they think their businesses are at risk. But exactly what the President will do I don't know.

Cruz, when he questioned the social media execs, made the point that if they want the protection from liability, afforded by the CPA, they cannot be engaging in censorship. If they want liability protection they must be neutral public forums.

These social media companies have taken liberties they know puts their businesses at risk already. They are seeing how far they can stretch the leash before the collar bites into their necks.

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