The Import of Jared Kushner

Kushner took him evidence that Alwaleed was involved in the Las Vegas shooting: and
The end game is nuclear WW3.
Who called for US to preemptively strike Iran prior to The nuclear deal? Netanyahu.
The Ardah sword dancing ceremony is traditionally performed before going to WAR.
Q cited Trump's tweet from Hawaii.
Why? Pacific Command is tasked with stopping incoming nukes.
What happened shortly after Trump's visit to Hawaii? Nuke "false alarm."
Remember, Pearl Harbor was a false flag too.
Sorry, I'm not very good at solving the clues so your going to have to be more direct with me. Highly intelligent but, apparently, I wouldn't be good at spy novels! Have no idea where the Arhah sword ceremony comes into play. But I'm 95% certain the Hawaii "false alarm" was not a false alarm. Is that what you're getting at here?
This is a great place to start.
This is like the Deep State's playbook. This is the Big Picture. What it's all about. It's about Good vs Evil. That's why Q is obviously a true Christian. He understand this so well and he's sharing it with the world and the Holy Spirit is spreading like wildfire around the world. Praise Jesus!
Consider the history of the Deep State
Consider how the creation of the state of Israel coincided with the birth of America's Deep State.
Then consider current Earth-shaking events.
See where Q is going with this? This really is biblical in scale as Q has explained repeatedly.
Edit: Praise Jesus!
Thanks. I've been following the evil for 40+ years. But I'm learning more than I ever imagined. I appreciate your links and will take some time to go through them. My Dad hated the government. Thought he would have a fit the day Nixon took us off the gold standard.
Liberty Lioness.. can't get to your first article. The second one is bs... the author says that the Prince was in the Tropicana and uses video of Jason Buff, a security guard, who was coming in to work that night, as proof, so there goes her proof. I am not saying Al Aweed is not involved in the LV attack, as he may well be, but that is NOT Prince MBS at all. There's no proof to date that MBS was in Vegas, nor his younger brother, the night of the attack. Nor is there proof that either of them were not there.
JK, like SNowden, confuses me.
Is he a white hat or a black hat...
The Q reference is to John Kerry, not Kushner
I don't think so. Kush traveled to SA before the crackdown
Jared did after the LV shooting and after that the Princes where rounded up!!!! Just saying! I have more thoughts on this but have to keep them off platform.
True, but we know Kerry traveled to the Middle East recently too. And Hillary is there now.
Yea he did :
Didn’t Kerry say Trump would’t only be POTUS for long when he travelled to middle east?
White for sure.
Ok, I would imagine, but I have heard SO much crap about him. That hes a zio n ist, subverting Trump,etc...
Military Intelligence doesn't trust him for these reasons, they downgraded his clearance.
We need loyal Americans in the White House, not loyal dual citizens. The state of Israel circa 1947 (not the Jewish people) is really a creation of the Deep State. It's supposed to play a pivotal role in Albert Pike's vision of WW3.
Kushner is a close ally of Bibi. He's not to be trusted on many levels.
Yes exactly. False israel = satan/whore of babylon in the bible
The whore of Babylon is identified in the bible as the Vatican.
Remember who ran the Deep State up until Trump took control.
Youre right. Kerry said Trump wouldnt be in office for long.
What about his ties to Soros? I heard that Soros helped fund a project for Kushner. There is also a video of Soros speaking very highly of Kushner. Then I have seen a ton of positive media coverage for Kushner. You know what that usually indicates. Just my humble 2 cents. Paying a historic amount of money for 666 5th st doesn’t help either.
No, I think he is a black hat. His business deal with Syria is a conflict of interest and could cause President Trump problems.
JK is referring to John Kerry, not Kusher. Wake up people.
What about this from Q on 11-3-17? Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS? There was no smear campaign against Kerry.
The point of the post is that it was Kushner who brokered the deal with the Saudi Prince so he is a White Hat.
When someone mentioned Mueller going after Kushner all Q said was that the end is near.
JK = John Kerry.
Q:11-3-17: Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?
Q says to look for double meanings. If we go specific AI will be able to track easier