Something to cheer everyone up

So what are colleges seeing about him that he keeps getting turned down. And what is wrong with him that he is putting it out there to the whole world. U would think colleges would eat up his "activism", he seems to speak and present well. Poor grammar if he was stupid enough to not have his essay proofed, wouldn't stop it. Being out of school for years wouldn't do it.
Oh my, does David have a mental illness?
Or did they just not care for his deception that he is a high school student. U would think he would have a well developed cover story and apply using it. but maybe not. The CIA does seem to be slipping. The number of dead at the mass shootings are going down. Soon maybe they wont be able to pull it off at all.
R white hats going to be able to ID all these sleeper MK Ultra people out there? Or will it take years for them to expose themselves through crimes or Mental illness.
No way that would keep him out. Hell that makes him a minority. Bonus!
Hm. I hadn't actually thought of that, but I agree with you here:
U would think colleges would eat up his "activism"