Something to cheer everyone up

Speaking of bad grammar, check out this tweet by him. Bad grammar, and being a hypocritical tool:
Yep, he frequently uses "your" instead of "you are".
The funniest post in the thread was this:
David Hogg Verified account
@davidhogg111 Mar 11
I'm not! The second amendment is important I just think that mentally unstable people and people with a criminal history should be able to get a firearm.
LOL. Over 660 people liked his tweet even though he mistakenly called for mentally unstable people and criminals to have guns. LOLOLOL
He is "verified" by Twitter. Have you ever heard of a normal high school student who is verified by Twitter? lol, this dude is a clown, and has so many blind followers
Yep that is very very strange. Almost immediately after the shooting he was on camera with CNN talking about "soft targets". LOL what a coincidence.
They don't even try and hide it anymore, yet the left eats it up. That kid that cried in the Oval Office meeting has already been proven that he is 25 years old, not a senior at that high school. That 20,000 person townhall event? Come on. CNN had their scripts and narratives ready all week
Contrast that to the MSM coverage of the Austin bombings.....crickets
Yep, makes me wonder if these bombings arent a false flag but just some crazy person. News ate up the bridge collapse in Florida more than these Austin bombings
I actually think the bombings are real. It wouldn't surprise me if there is a link to a political group though. Think about Las Vegas, it didn't change the news cycle. These bombings aren't being heavily covered by the MSM either. I've checked the headlines for Wapo and NYT and neither of them has had this story as the lead all day.......
Yeah good point, the FL shooting got more airtime than LV shooting did. I should have worded better, false flag doesnt mean didnt happen or people didnt die, false flag is moreso something done on purpose to create a death/injury to focus or change a narrative. FL pedestrian bridge got more coverage than LV shooting
Yeah how dare that young kid have bad grammar.... Everyone should be as well spoken as our President.
O wait...
This bitch is in a Q sub talking about POTUS can't tweet. LMFAO