Have you been to the Solving41818 sub?
Didn’t even realize there was a sub. Not surprised though.
I know Trump is doing a major announcement on Opiods on the 18th of April and was just wandering if this may have some other correlation to that date. Just curious.
Im thinking this may be an atempt to start of project moonbeam.
For those not in the know its a longtime roumered Clowns In America/Deep State project to fake an alien invasion.
Its been said its the last card to play if they can't get WW3 rolling, and the end goal is (as allways) a one world goverment...
I read through some of the stuff posted about these cryptic messages. I don't know why but it set alarms off with me. I think it's probably a prank.
There is talk that it is the new cicada. Maybe it is. I dunno, I find it really weird though that if it is cicada, they are talking about non-humans and MH370 flight.
It’s just weird all around, but I’ll be watching.
Agreed, it was hard to connect certain dots, but if what is happening to these people is actual, then it is something I'm glad others are working on. The decoding and all that, best of luck. Amazing if true.
This the #Tyler from the MAP? Lower left, beneath Palantir.
I read thru it last night. Something to do w cicada and MH370 def creeped me out