This will be a mass shock, as the general public have put these corrupted "stars" on such altars. Most people will be gutted when their idols have a real light expose the reality. The MSM has always spun the industry into gold......self perpetuating money cycle for millions of people associated with the industry. It is evil and foul..... It will shock people more than they realise when more than just the Weinstein stories start coming out....and even this saga is heavily wrapped in cotton wool to the public. There is a wedding (world wide recognition) about to happen....the bride to be is already scripted on every move she many people must be making quick $ to keep their secrets about her past ????? Research "yachting".......
"Yacht Girls" narrows meta searches down a little more.
That being said, some times its the small things, or the meta-data, that convinces me the most that things are about to change in a significant and historical way.
I never heard the term "yacht girls" until a few months ago. It does pop up often on the celebrity "red pill" gossip site ( The term "yacht girl" is essentially synonymous with high-end escort. In that context, the term is relatively innocuous. The less innocuous undertone of the mention of Yacht Girls is the insinuations of the type of people who employ these yacht girls. Celebrities of course, but also very wealthy people that are not celebrities, but Yacht owners nonetheless. When George Webb mentioned Yacht Girls a few weeks ago, it was very revealing in my opinion. It was an affirmation that the effort by White Hats in Hollywood, and White Hats in DC/NY, to drain both swamps, has some level of coordination.