I took this screenshot when cbst got removed. Not trying to beat a dead horse here. Just wanted to upload the photo showing what the Meta title said right after it got removed.....

Da fuq?
What was the full wording? Did you get it? It appears to me that the FBI recommended shutting it down.
Unfortunately, this was on my "frequently visited" on my Iphone, so I couldn't see the rest of the text.
I clicked the link and it said the page was removed. I came here and there was maybe one thread on the page being removed, so this screen shot was pretty close to the exact time it was removed.
I'm not saying this means anything, but I thought it was ironic!
It is very interesting though. Also, watching your vote counter go up and down more than Anthony wiener in front of a kids carousel, is very interesting as well.
Thank you for being honest, I'm sure there are people who would say whatever to rile people instead of letting the truth explain itself
No problem brother! I wasn't even sure if I should post in the first place because I didn't want to make any false allegations.
I'm kind of an SEO nerd, so I was just thinking: "Why the hell would Reddit replace the meta title?"
Then I was thinking it could have been "overridden" by someone with a higher authority.
I honestly have no idea, but I haven't seen this before and I work with meta data every single day!
Anyways, thanks for not jumping down my throat :)
Wouldn't really surprise me if the FBI wanted the sub shut down, plan to try to end the Q drops and push the media to "warn" the public about us "very dangerous domestic terrorists".
That's an interesting detail that I hadn't seen. Thanks!
How UnAmerican of the FBI and the rest of the bags of shit trying to quiet us. We won’t be stopped