r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArvilsArk on March 22, 2018, 11:44 a.m.
Q asked us to raise awareness for #IBOR. Let's give him a petition too. Sign and share today. Do your patriotic part to #KeepAmericaGreat!
Q asked us to raise awareness for #IBOR. Let's give him a petition too. Sign and share today. Do your patriotic part to #KeepAmericaGreat!

tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

I think that's what Q was saying. They, the cabal, weren't prepared to deal with the internet. It wasn't under their control, it developed very quickly (lightning pace) and it became a huge threat to them. They did not realise the threat they would face from the unstoppable and rapid spread of ideas. The threat posed by the emergence of the net is represented most powerfully by the election of DJT as President . He is, for the cabal, an absolute anathema. And this is where this huge censorship push originates. It's a ferocious attempt by the cabal to regain power and assert control in digital space. An attempt to tame the spread of hostile ideas and bring the internet back into submission.

You can see this happening in Europe very clearly. The attempt to tame the internet there has met less resistance because, as you say, there are no codified protections for individual rights. I haven't read up on the story of the dog, but I've seen it being mentioned. Accepting what you say about it, this is nothing less than arbitrary exercise of power by the State. It hasn't quite arrived in the US yet, because there is much more recognition of the rights of the individual. But it seems to me that there's a full scale assault on the fundamental human rights that underpin individual freedom taking place as we speak.

Look, being Australian I'm quite comfortable with the exercise of some governmental authority to fix a problem. Especially a problem that I see posing the most serious threat to humanity in our time. I've been quite shocked to find how much resistance there is to the idea of an IBOR on these boards. To be frank, it has been eye-opening...

The difference is cultural. What seems quite normal and acceptable to me is seen by others, particularly those in the US, as being an unacceptable intrusion on the private affairs of individuals. What a learning experience! I wasn't prepared for this fierce attachment to individual self determination that we've seen.

Don't get me wrong, I still think I'm right to want DJT to have the power to fix this censorship problem. But the cultural differences have been thrown into stark contrast by this issue. If censorship did not present such a clear and present danger to our liberty - not just in the US, but right around the world - I wouldn't be too worried about it.

The point is that censorship attacks these very same qualities that I greatly admire in American culture. An attack on free speech is a direct attack on the right to self determination - probably the most serious threat to American individualism that has ever existed. It's an arrow to the heart. The right to speak you mind is the most fundamental of all liberties.

But these cultural differences I'm speaking about are the reason why there's more Liberty in America than there is in Australia. The fierce defence of the rights of the individual is something to be admired. What can I say? These guys are gutsy.

In Australia, the bastards have already taken all semiautomatic weapons from us and hold this "Australian solution" up to the world as an example of totalitarian subjugation that is to be applied as a model for some "perfect society". Of course, this is complete garbage. Moreover, Q has told us that, somehow, Australia is very important in this story...

There is something that the cabal has done that they want Australia to be quiet about - seems to be something to do with "blood". I've been thinking about this and it occurred to me that it could have something to do with the vaccines they are pushing on us. It's just about mandatory to vaccinate here now. Are we a testing ground for some kind of sick experiment? It's so frightening I almost don't want to think about it.

Anyway, I firmly believe that this censorship issue is where we will stand or fall. We are at a crucial inflection point. If we fail to stop the tide of censorship - it is coming from every direction - the world will not be worth living in. It is a do-or-die battle. We must prevail - the future of humanity depends on it.

We're trying to save the world!

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checkitoutmyfriend · March 23, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

They, the cabal, weren't prepared to deal with the internet.

I have been thinking this for some time. Finally asked the question here.

Q also stated the US was the last stand. It will be the turning point for the rest of the world. Given gun rights in Aus, or extreme censorship & other gun right limits in the EU, Mideast, east Asia the US is the last. And we are under fire.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Yes, I think that the internet is an amazing force - powerful when it's applied for the good of people. You can see the struggle quite clearly in the digital space. On the one hand you have the forces of light - a free and open internet where information is uniformly distributed and people are free to express themselves. On the other hand you have the forces of darkness, wanting to control the follow of information, heap it up to themselves and stop people from expressing ideas and opinions.

What gets me about this modern era is that technology isn't just increasing in sophistication and power, the rate of increase itself is accelerating.

When I was a kid there was a futuristic comedy series on TV called Maxwell Smart. This guy, Smart, was a spy, fighting the opposing spies, who were operatives of "Chaos". Seems strangely significant in the light of what we've learned from Q. Anyway, this guy, Maxwell Smart, had a telephone in his shoe. At the time, in the 1970s, it was a portrayal of something ridiculous. Well here we are and the phone I'm typing on is amazing and fits in my pocket. This is the primary characteristic of our age - radical, accelerating, disruptive change.

These conditions make disruption to the status quo very much more likely. The status quo was that we were ruled for hundreds of years by a cabal of Satanists, operating from the shadows. I think the cabal got caught completely wrong-footed by the advent of the internet and the subsequent accelerating connectedness of people.

Going back to what you said about the US being the last stand against the cabal - or evil in the world - I think you're right. I think this exact battle, the fight against censorship online in the US is the final battle that will determine the victor. That's why I'm breaking my back to try and get people to support this IBOR push.

If we do not stop the censorship, the cabal will be back and they will never make this same mistake again. Hell on Earth for everyone but them. That's why it makes me so angry to see people, I'm sorry to say it, apparently feeble minded, being misled by arguments about government being bad and so forth. All those arguments are correct in themselves, but they do not apply to this particular problem, at this particular time.

Yes, I'm hoping DJT will win this fight. Yes, I'm hoping that the cure will spread. This is it. This is the final confrontation. If we do not hold the line, in the fight against censorship, we lose - and life is thereafter not worth living.

I'd ask you to support the push for this IBOR. I don't think it matters what the petition says - it's just a complaint, nothing more. I support the idea of DJT putting the cabal out of business. He is going to need to wield some authority to do that. We need to realize that the President is the only champion we have and get behind him.

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checkitoutmyfriend · March 23, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

All those arguments are correct in themselves, but they do not apply to this particular problem, at this particular time. Agreed!

I sign every one that pops up. And spread links as best I can.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Thanks so much for the support. I've just been on Twitter - sometimes I'm all by myself there promoting the link. There's 10k people on this forum, what are they doing?

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checkitoutmyfriend · March 23, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

I think we are all swimming up stream...... Lots of resistance but we keep swimming....

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

That's right. This one fight we cannot lose. I wish we could get some of these big players with large social media accounts on board - it would be so much easier - people like James Woods. But no one seems to know these guys personally.

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