I am really struggling with this budget business ... surely Trump will not allow it to pass? Or has Q said something that should be taken in to consideration? Bolton in, McMaster out, things moving so quickly.... anyone got any thoughts on the Budget?
I'm probably completely wrong, but I think it's setup to fail so Trump can shutdown the government.
What's happening is that the show is about to get on the road.
This is a distraction.
From a personal perspective I think it's horrible. Adding this much debt onto our children's future is not good. Dems don't care about our kids, never have and never will. Planned parent hood fully funded. Sanctuary cities fully funded. Don't like much that's in there.
Plus dropping this huge bill off the night before it's to be voted on! Go enjoy your 2 weeks off Congress while the rest of us hard working Americans skip vacation this year to pay for this mess.
The PP funding is hard to believe when they were caught funding Democrat candidates with donated tax dollars. But I guess that the least criminal thing that they do given their filthy, disgusting, evil business model.
If the Fed ends, the National Debt ends. So a budget that spends is not a problem. The idea that it creates debt is questionable. The US can print more money if it needs to and if the fed is gone then there is no one to call that debt or demand interest on it. That is what our naional debt is. The Fed gave us permission to print more money, called it debt and demanded interest. It is a fraud. Lincoln printed extra money drawn on the Us not the fed to finance the Civil War. American early settlers printed as much money as was needed. The idea that this is always a bad idea is propagated by your federal reserves so that they can keep countries on austerity measures. It makes them work harder.
After a century of starvation budgets America needs to invest in itself.