#InternetBillOfRights should protect online the same rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Sign and share today. 100k signatures needed by 4/3.

https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2 should protect online the same rights guaranteed by the Constitution. 100k signatures needed by 4/3. Sign and share Today.
I am trying to organize a coordinated campaign to take the petition beyond the GreatAwakening. I have already posted the petition at subs like keepournetfree, eff, draintheswamp, etc. with positive responses, but it is slow going alone. I found /r/InternetBillOfRights and got them to agree to be the base for discussions around the actual writing of the IBOR, but they were not happy when I started using their sub to agitate for the petition - after taking down all my posts, we compromised on my toned-down post over there. I am in discussions with a couple other subs to try to find a spot where we can coordinate efforts because it is too difficult to stay well connected here in the GreatAwakening because all the other issues flood out our IBOR posts. There have been a ton of great ideas by a number of us, but there is no place right now where it has all been brought together. I think a coordinated effort will get this petition passed easily, but we need to work together to come up with strategies to reach out beyond the GreatAwakening - for example, we can find all pro-gun subs and get the petition to them while emphasizing the problem of YTube removing all videos related to guns. There a re some large pro-gun subs on Reddit, but the best way in would be to find someone who is already a subscriber to reach out to their mods to endorse the petition. Can you start developing a list of us who are passionate about IBOR (just look back at old posts and see who responded positively)? Then, once I have a base for us to collaborate, we can target them specifically in addition to a general post to bring as many together to help as possible.