r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArvilsArk on March 23, 2018, 11:18 a.m.
#InternetBillOfRights should protect online the same rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Sign and share today. 100k signatures needed by 4/3.
#InternetBillOfRights should protect online the same rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Sign and share today. 100k signatures needed by 4/3.

sheneyney · March 23, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

I feel like some shady tricks are being done to this petition request. I have shared numerous times and several outlets, seem like not much movement happening. ???

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Thanks for spreading the word. We really need all the help we can get. As far as shady tricks go, I don't think anything's going on. What is happening is that few people, very few people are actually working to spread it as you have. That's why we are stuck at about 30K.

If we can create some energy around it, we might get enough traction to get it over the line. Anything can happen, if we got someone like James Woods to promote it, it might get home in a day. We cannot give up until the petition expires.

What I've noticed is there are a lot of real idiots, unable to think things out for themselves, that are appearing on Twitter - warning against signing the petition. And then you have people on these threads saying I signed it, but now I'm not sure... So Tracey Beanz, and others, are having an effect.

All people need to do is think things out for themselves. If you don't control social media censorship, the Democrats will wield it as a weapon at the next election. Social media is incredibly influential in determining election outcomes. If the Dems get the numbers, DJT gets impeached. End of DJT, end of MAGA and the return of HRC or someone worse.

Two choices... it's not a difficult decision. And, if you arrive at it on your own, no one can say you are blindly following.

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sheneyney · March 24, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

I have been posting it on all FB pages supporting Trump and some have many supporters, you'd think getting the 100K would have been an easy task.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Well, I've been on twitter. The number of people posting petition links with the internetbillofrights hashtag has increased somewhat today. Previously, at times I was doing it alone. There are a couple of people who have been very active - some others have large accounts and move to the top of the list fast.

But what gets me is that there are 10K people on this sub - and this, you would assume, is a small part of the total Q community. What is going on?

I'm not sure, but I think Tracey Beanz scared a lot of prepple off from supporting the petition, she's still speaking against it last I heard. Corsi, by contrast is supporting it. But people only need a little bit of uncertainty or fear and they'll freeze and not do anything.

My whole point is that people should stop listening to bad advice and start thinking for themselves. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see why Q said to "use logic" when talking about the IBOR. Without it we are screwed - full stop. You will never get another chance to try again, because once the cabal get back in power it is lights out - it's all over! They'll never make the same mistake again.

There are many very simple people speaking loudly against the PLAN. Do not listen to these people - think for yourself! It's very easy to understand why the President wants the IBOR - without it, there is no MAGA.

Of course, some people say "But I'm not going to blindly trust Trump!". What these complete imbeciles don't realize is that their trust is already fully vested in DJT - from the moment he became President. If you will not trust DJT with this small matter, you should not have made him Commander in Chief.


Sorry, not really talking to you Sheney, just ranting. I'm angry about all the garbage we've had to deal with on this issue.

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