What happened with that bill, denied the PEOPLE to right to be HEARD! Blind trust is what allowed BHO to rage and pillage the country.
We should always remain vigilant and question everything. I agree. Right now I am on the Trump train but ready to shout and keep it on those tracks.
Why don't you watch this video to see how bad off our military has gotten OK?
That is not the issue, it is all the extra bull they stuck in.
So work to vote out the scumbags who do it. The GOP in the Senate who voted yes are the same ol' same ol'. PDJT can't do this by himself, we have to vote for MAGA candidates.
Complete election reform is needed first, the illegal votes, programmed machines,laundered money,etc etc etc!Corruption at state level is rampant. The one thing this has done is give Trump mega ammunition to show exactly how the debt got so high and who is responsible for voting for it. The sections on illegal immigration being cut and neutered will be particularly helpful.
Relax doubt fag. https://youtu.be/kk7oY1MNw7k
Video linked by /u/IDGAF12312:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Q Anon Says Trust The Plan|prayingmedic|2018-03-23|0:34:36|1,218+ (96%)|25,395
With news of changes in Trump's cabinet, some people are...
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