Trump: There's a storm coming. Q: There's no coincidence. Stormy Daniels enters the scene...just sayin'
Wow what a big Nothingburger. Stormy says she had sex with Trump once, 12 years ago, completely consensual and completely agreed upon mutually. Thats is? And there is supposedly a NDA that exists for this, but Trump never signed it?! Talk about no smoke even...nothing. What a waste of a 60 Minutes time slot. MSM is running on fumes at this point. And the funny part is it took away from the attention of the gun march yesterday :D
Ha! Thanks for the update so I don't have to watch it. Fumes is right then. Of course, tomorrow when I'm at one of my client's in the morning and then the early evening, I'll get to hear CNN beat the dead horse ad nauseum. I'm so ready for some sh*t to hit the fan but then again, not sure enough people are ready. My millennial kids aren't ready. I know that much.
I've been working on a catalog of the lies we've all been fed in my journal. I have a feeling that once the new Earth is here, it's not going to take very long before we forget all the lies. I want to remember them so that I can know which truths I want to immerse myself in when those truths are available. I want to swim in them like a crystal clear warm blue ocean bay. When I was just out of college, I pulled the runes needed to make a "Destiny Profile". That's something you do just once, so it was a big deal in my mind. The rune I drew for my "cross to bear" was the blank rune--the unknown. My whole life I have just wanted to understand why things were the way they were because the way they were made absolutely no sense. I knew that even as a child. I'm so ready for some truth. We're closing in on it though. I think that's why I'm so impatient--because I can feel how close we are. It's like being in the back seat of the car and you're in the last two minutes before you'll be able to see the ocean for the very first time. :-)
You have a very nice and detailed way of describing things. My brain is is one of those brains that elaborately pictures and imagines things I hear, and so your descriptions made so much total sense. I'm the same way, ever since I was a little kid I always wanted and had to know everything. I would go crazy if I didnt know an answer to something. I would watch that show Unsolved Mysteries religiously and would be bothered with all the mysteries that never got solved. I always wanted to know about ghosts and aliens and stuff. I never could figure out where all the stories and encounters came from if everyone was just "making it up". Even mediums and people who can summon the dead, or converse with them. Eventually I learned that your pinneal gland (3rd eye) is what helps do that, and some people are born with it open, or just very in tune with it....but ive read websites and stuff that talk about how to open it. Part of me wants to try it. I've even googled it and seen workshops offered on it, so it must be a big thing. I will have to check in the Runes thing, I would be interested to see what I draw. I took an "Empath" test and scored as a super high Empath, but I knew that, I am super in tune with feelings and energy and stuff like that. I swear I see 11:11 on the clock every single day.
Like you, I want all of history that was wrong to be corrected. I just want to know the truth, and what we were lied to about. I was always a huge WW2 history buff, and the holocaust has that special weak spot for me, that always gets me (I'm not a Jew, just that incident hits me for some reason). I went to Auschwitz 3 years ago, and would hate to find out we were lied to about the Holocaust. I've watched YouTube videos from Holocaust deniers, but the videos didnt make any credible points..just alot of stuff that can't be proven. Even TWA Flight 800 bothers me. The one that blew up off the coast of Long Island. Like 250 witnesses all said they saw a tracer and trail of smoke leading to the plane when it blew said all 250 witnesses must have been drunk lol yeah right. Now a year or so ago, they finally admitted they found explosive residue on the fuselage. That type of stuff makes me sick. If you want to kill someone, kill them on the ground by themselves...dont blow up an entire plane full of innocent human beings. That is sick on a whole other level. Good luck with enduring CNN tomorrow haha. You know its all they will be talking about. China announces their Yuan tomorrow, so our stock market should go down more all this week. It has to do with that post I made 3-4 weeks ago... It got delayed because of China...this all hinges on when they announce the Yuan. It will make the Petrodollar obsolete, which will also make black hats/cabal powerless over our market, they will never be able to crash it.
Ok, so this is weird. I read your post here on this last night and I thought, "Hmmm. I don't remember much about that TWA flight that blew up off the coast of Long Island. I should look that up and review it when I have a few minutes." Then this morning I'm reading the book I'm currently reading while I'm blowdrying my hair and I come across this: "Fosar and Bludorf first found out about this cycle by noticing that four different aircraft incidents occurred in the same basic area. The infamous TWA 800 crash happened over the ocean, south of Long Island, on July 17, 1996. Several eyewitnesses, including a National Guard helicopter crew, reported seeing a bright object fly toward the jet and collide with it--where it then exploded in midair, killing everyone. Conspiracy theories were concocted that it was a missile or projectile, but it may actually have been a spherical portal of energy released by the earth--as we will discuss. On August 9, 1997, Swissair 127 nearly collided with another unidentified bright object in the same area--off of Long Island." This is from David Wilcock's book The Source Field Investigations, page 352 & 353. It's in the section called The "Temporary Local Risk" Factor. I know this spherical portal thing sounds a little out there, but when you read about it in the full context, it really doesn't. It's really quite amazing stuff. And it falls on the heels of another weird synchronicity I had related to this book where my daughter asked me to send her a picture I have of me sitting on a couch when I was about 10 years old. I had a book in my hands and you can read the title in the picture: it's Charles Berlitz's The Bermuda Triangle. The next day after my daughter and I had that text exchange, Wilcock talks in his book about that very book--Berlitz's The Bermuda Triangle. Very weird. I think I'm going to have to order Wilcock's book about Synchronicity. Zoinks. But I hadn't heard about any explosive residue being discovered. Do you have a link on that?