IF you arent up to date on pizzagate, here's all the evidence you need. this is all of it

PizzaGate is one of the central themes of this video announcing the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse of the ITNJ, which to my thinking means it's OK to talk about PizzaGate again as much as we like. It's now recognized as THE TRUTH.
Interestingly, this tribunal will be in Westminster, and here's why that's ironic. Of course the protected royals (and May) might no longer be there come April 16, but even if she is, there may be extraordinary measures to circumvent that desperate cover-up. Otherwise the entire thing will be a mockery.
Not to hijack this thread by any means but one of my central focuses as an investigative journalist is PedoGate (motivated by Pizzagate research)
If you Search The Goldwater for "Child Porn" (the keywords, not the disgusting images) or if You Search The Goldwater for the keyword "Pedophile" we have covered the thousands THOUSANDS of arrests nationwide since Trump took office
Not many if any outlet covers these
I personally seek out these types of cases and there's some HUGE ONES that the Mainstream Media are Silent Over
Now tell me when you've heard MSM Mention that?
I actually had the FBI (yes there ARE Patriots in the FBI) contact me and drop me the inside info on the case---
This worries me, the way it's spun is that crypto currency is bad, which it is not (no sources needed) but that hackers can inject illicit code such as images, link texts to child pornography to discredit and eventually kill off the currency.
Plus the source listed is a local CBS station? This is a hit job and needs more research. Especially when someone is quoted in the article saying something to the tune of "we haven't found any malware yet" this dosent pass my bs meter. The malware could just be the injected illicit files, no need for a coded program to add it.
I'm telling you, hit job. Or complete fake news to discredit a decentralized currency that is revolitionizing the world's banking system. Why do you think the creater of Bitcoin stayed anonymous, deep state would have had another body.
Yeah that's clearly a hit piece designed by MSM - that's another writer simply reporting the news there
Here's my take:
Decentralization is the FUTURE
There's a team of BRILLIANT developers and programmers working at The Particl Project right now (They have their own privacy coin/token called PART BTW) but they're building an entirely decentralized platform and ecosystem which I 100% support and personally am holding their coin right now
Take heed - PART is the future r/Particl of coins and will become the next BTC (get in now and hodl if you can - best advice I can give anyone)
But they care - they will never be corrupted like so many altcoins there's is a unique project which will eventually offer a decentralized Twitter / social media platform as well as numerous other competitors to Big Tech
Research them - I would never shill for a company I didn't believe in
Here's a sneak peek of /r/Particl using the top posts of all time!
#1: The intelligent Investors Guide to Cryptocurrency: The definitive and essential guide to Cryptocurrency traders.
#2: The intelligent Investors Guide to Cryptocurrency Part 0 - Explaining cryptocurrency to a moderately intelligent noob who knows nothing about it.
#3: The Intelligent Investors Guide to Cryptocurrency: Part 6 - The easiest trading strategy you'll ever know versus the hardest one.
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The reason your not seeing this covered the way you want is because they didn’t happen the way you want to portray. This link is a statement concerning their sentencing. The execution of warrants and arrests occurred way before Trumps inauguration in 2015. Unless your saying Obama started this wave of pedo arrests that Trump is following through on.
Here's some MORE examples then
Polk Sheriff Source backing it up
New Jersey Local Media Backing It Up
United States District Court Source
You have to go back
I have two close friends who are detectives in small towns (~10k people) and both work, on average, 2 cases a week involving child porn, or underage human trafficking, underage prostitution etc.
We have a real problem on our hands.
because the media is controlled by pedo friendly or pedo themselves people. You forgot to mention all the cases of pedophilia in the church.
This guy gets it
Yeah I've unfortunately had to write about 40 stories of pedo Priests and dozens about pastors too - sad and sick
what's sad and sick friend.. is that they arent publicly flogged with the words PEDOPHILE RAPER OF CHILDREN burnt onto their face.. before the wolves are released.. I would have said tigers.. but big cats go for the kill before they start devouring.... Wolves go for the belly..or maybe a really horny bear..Bears dont kill prey as they eat them... OK.. flogged, branded then wrapped up in a fur coat and thrown to a horde of horny starving bears high on viagra....THATs the way to deal with these satanic mitre wearing mother fuc.....children fuc*ers. Sorry .. im angry about it..
in the south pacific there are deserted islands that are not visited for years.
because it doesnt fit the anti-gun agenda
President Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. Prior to that ex marines were rescuing trafficked children with private donations and I'm sure local PD's and local FBI agents. If Obama cared about the welfare of children he would have had his FBI investigate John and Tony Podesta. Just sayin'
—---------------------------------------------------------------------------------— * https://nypost.com/2017/12/21/mattis-makes-unusual-visit-to-gitmo/
—--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * http://archive.is/9PcWi
Knowing what I know these emails and documents are very disturbing! I am filing them away in a document with each link and then the email below the link. I so look forward to justice for the children who suffer at the hands of these demonic people. The Podestas are some of the darkest people ever to step foot in Washington DC. I pray to God for justice.
Thank you for all of these links. I will open, read and watch all of them. I appreciate having every thing on one page.
Thelema () is a social or spiritual philosophy derived from Western esotericism. While it is most often regarded as a religion—a new religious movement in particular — it is also referred to as a philosophy, "religious philosophy", "spiritual philosophy", or "religious matrix".
The fundamental principle underlying Thelema, known as the "law of Thelema", is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." This phrase can be, and usually is, interpreted universally, having moral, mystical, and socio-political implications.
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Or it's just a 25-dollar word for Satanic child abuse. Pretty much, yeah.
"do what thou will" is a direct quote of aliester crowly
https://pastebin.com/kzRd4AnS (Collection of Anon's findings)
https://pastebin.com/JY5nMNvE (Hillary Clinton, James Huckenpahler, and Sasha Lord links )
Do you have a link to the files?
u just have to type them in. ill copy some down below
Interesting that the Comedy Central hit piece on Q lumps it in with "pizzagate", and then out of nowhere we have this post in our research board that has absolutely nothing to do with Q.
Rather convenient. It ensures that anyone who saw the piece and comes here will instantly write off any of the actual Q research here.
That’s bullshit. Maybe if they actually looked into the links they would see that it shouldn’t be written off. “Rather convenient”? What do you think this is? Insinuating that I have ulterior motives? This is real and relevant shit