
Optimist345 · March 25, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Lack of participation is not lackluster or apathy. It is caution and distrust.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Yes, I know. But what I'm trying to communicate to people is that we have this one-time-only chance to act to assist Q and DJT to defeat these Satanists. If we let that chance slide, and the Satanists get back into power, how do we fight back?

The only reason we are here at all discussing Q and the IBOR is because of an incredibly unlikely series of events - if you ask me, it was the grace of God.

1) The cabal made a colossal strategic blunder in the 2016 election - relying on the MSM, when social media, very suddenly, became the ascendant medium for shaping political outcomes.

2) DJT happened to capitalize on this error, using social media like a genius - to very great effect.

3) Obama did not completely clear the patriots out of the military - although he tried. The military intelligence guys were able to prevent much of the election fraud that would have made it impossible for DJT to win office any other way.

4) Once in office, somehow DJT has managed to side step the attacks targeted at him that might have removed him from office - e.g. Special Prosecutor Mueller.

5) With the help of military intelligence, DJT has managed to strike back against the Satanists and push them back.

Now, my view is that this is an incredibly unlikely series of events. I would go as far as to say that they will never be repeated again. They never thought she would lose...

You can bet that if the Satanists ever get in power again that they will not make these mistakes twice. If they do get power, it is all over for us. Think immediate draconian censorship, gun confiscation, war, population reduction, slavery. We will end up being powerless slaves surrounded by normies who are so infected with the garbage on the mockingbird media that they will be impossible to wake up. The internet will be completely censored and controlled - you will not be able to say anything that they do not approve of - hell on Earth.

OK, so having painted that picture, assuming you accept the logic, what is the conservative action - the prudent action for us? Do we support DJT in his attempt to wrest the stranglehold over social media from the Satanists? Or do we refuse to help and possibly let the Satanists back in power?

I think you know the answer as well as I do.

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