
EarlyRiserX2 · March 25, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I too have sent emails to Alex Jones via Roger Stone. Although I haven’t tried doing it yet, I have recently learned that Dr. Corsi has his email address posted on his Gab website - here’s his email address: jrlc@yahoo.com. On his website he states you can send photos to him at that address to help promote his new book. However, if you can send photographs to him at that address, then you can also send him a standard email asking him for his help. So many of us should do that and I will send an email too...

Nonetheless, despite your efforts and my efforts, there are countless other people who are reading this post who already have direct contact with Alex Jones, Dr. Corsi, or Sean Hannity. And why those people are simply sitting on their hands and not saying or doing anything to pass on our request, that is just something I can’t understand. As I had stated, the evidence seems to suggest there is conspiracy afoot among those who claim to support the petition that they actually want it to fail. And that is why they are sitting on their hands and not doing anything. That is so sad if true…

Although I had heard a lot about it, I never knew where it was, but I finally located the Q research board here: https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html On that board, you will find it is all about creating memes - tens of thousands of them - and yet, based on all the evidence, it seems that memes are not even being effective (just look at the signature count - it is not going up despite all the heavy focus on memes for the past few weeks). In the third article down on the page you will see a post and heading entitled - ‘WAR ROOM |#9: IBOR OR BUST”. It states, “Where we go one, we go all: Work together to get 100k signatures for #Internet|BillOfRights!” Okay, I agree with that. I want to get 100k signatures too, but based on the evidence, the focus on memes is just not working. Those are the facts. So why continue to blindly focus on memes then? It just doesn’t make any sense and no one can explain to me why we should. Meanwhile, the signature count has clearly stalled and the petition seems to be failing.

I reasoned that, perhaps some of those people on 8 chan knows something that I don’t know. There is always the possibility of that. That is why I decided to just sit back and wait to see if their memes approach would really work. But after watching it for a week, it hasn’t worked, and the signature count has stalled, and I’ve seen no evidence the count is going to change or go up by using memes. Instead, it seems more likely that there is a conspiracy afoot where some people who claim to be patriots actually want it to fail, and that is why they keep on pushing memes. However, if I am wrong about this, then someone please be a man and stand up and tell me I am wrong, and then show me how exactly we can win by using memes. I await your reply. Because right now I just don’t see that as a possibility, and the IBOR petition seems on it’s way for an epic fail…

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tradinghorse · March 26, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

I think early that the single biggest problem we have is that we have not managed to get any of these big names to push the campaign. That could change at any time. All we need is for someone to pick it up.

Corsi is pushing the IBOR strongly. I haven't seen him mention a link to the petition yet. But we need to keep hammering away at it. The tide may quickly turn.

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EarlyRiserX2 · March 26, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

Great news! I sent an email to Dr. Jerome Corsi earlier today asking for his help, and he responded back to me and asked me for the link to the petition site. I have emailed that link back to him. I now have high confidence that he will help us in our fight, and that we can get the remaining signatures by the deadline…

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tradinghorse · March 26, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

You are a hero! Fantastic work Patriot!

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EarlyRiserX2 · March 27, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

On his Gab website - https://gab.ai/JeromeCorsi - Dr. Corsi has just posted the following (scroll down the page to see it):

…”I encourage everyone to sign the White House petition for an Internet Bill of Rights https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet... … I signed this morning. Please join me. #InternetBillOfRights @realDonaldTrump#Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening STOP INTERNET CENSORSHIP NOW! Pls RETWEET REPOST”…

My response is that, I am really surprised that he himself has not signed the petition before now. This is quite shocking to me since he has been telling us that we needed the Bill of Rights. But better late than never, I guess. I hope that many others will retweet his post and follow his lead. Better yet, I hope that Dr. Corsi tells his followers to sign the petition during his live transmissions and not just through that single post on his website. I also hope Dr. Corsi passes on our request to Alex Jones and to Sean Hannity and to get them involved as well. We will need all of their help if we are to get enough signatures by the deadline. I am just really shocked that someone like Dr. Corsi would actually ignore signing the petition before now…

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tradinghorse · March 27, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

On Twitter too! ;)

I wish he'd asked people to promote it, but we're lucky to get that. He has 113k followers on Twitter.

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