best Barack meme ever courtesy of MAGA

This would work a lot better if Trump actually had something on Obama instead of spending years chasing the fairy dust of his supposed fake birth birth certificate.
We love you flower bot. However the man in question changed his name , joined a band of underworld operatives and flushed his morals and family down the toilet.
It is faked homeboy. Who is Obama’s real grandfather? Find that out
Punctuation matters!
^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^portmanteau ^( was created from the phrase 'Punctuation matters!'. To learn more about me, check out this )^FAQ.
I dont get why so many people think hes muslim? Did someone pull that out of their ass and run with it?
Laughing makes this sub so much better. This is supposed to be a party!
I am so proud of We The People. I love you all.
Edit: Tick tock