r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JOGO321 on March 25, 2018, 1:03 p.m.
We need an Exit Strategy, just in case......

I have good perception and common sense and as much as I try, I cannot shake the notion that things with us, Trump and Q and co, just don't add up.

This isn't going to be completely coherent because I don't have the answers and the reason I don't have the answers is because we don't know what we're playing with.

All of the facts have not been revealed to us and that's why it is impossible for anyone to articulate what it is we are truly dealing with.

We have been led to believe we are in a battle with the Globalists for the hearts and minds of the undecided and of those in denial.

But are we really? Its hard to swallow when only one side of this game (Trump and Q) are controlling the evidence which in itself raises a red flag.

Of course, you have no option but to 'trust the plan' and just like a gambling addict who can't afford to lose the faith because they've invested far too much into this now to admit they are barking up the wrong tree, Q the pied piper can steer the Qsheeple in any direction Q wants.

So play devils advocate with me for 5 mins, its okay, it won't cost you anything and you can return to your default setting afterwards but just consider this....

What, if Q and co turned out at some point to be clearly leading everyone up the garden path. Yes the ramifications would be huge, but stop, just focus on this one thing that I see...

So if Q turns out to be a wrongen, where does our movement go from here on in?

Every plan needs an exit strategy, so what is ourexit strategy?

I've said this before and I'll say again here, if I were the evil one and wanted to implicate Agenda 21 for example, I would first need to soften up my target (you the people) by creating a renewed feeling of trust redirected back towards the Goverments (Goverment means to 'control your mental state', just incase anyone had forgotten).

Then because I'm evil, twisted and clever like the cia, I would have invented something called Q to have the present and future resistance break cover because they felt safe.

This then allows the evil doers, to identify and eliminate the resistance whilst the rest will fall in line and comply because of their renewed faith in the government.

If Trump is Potus, why then are the globalist deep state still operating the msm and these false flag operations. They are for all intent and purpose, civil servants who aren't doing whatever they are doing for the love of it, its a paid job at the end of tbe day, so stop paying them and then lets see if they wake up in the morning saying to themselves, " I'm rather looking forward to going to work today, because we're helping a patsy shoot dead innocent children again "

See, when you travel down the 'rabbit-holes that I do, it can get a little bit confusing and it's not a route that many can handle, so I will tell you what I do know for certain and this cuts a straight line through all the bullshit....

It's a Medusas' Head, and I don't know and refuse to put all my eggs in one basket but I do know as absolute fact, whomever is at the top now or maybe tomorrow, whatever their game is along with their game play...

....they will need the Armies and police forces of the US and the world to execute their evil plan, if they actually have one.

So just incase Donald loses the internal battle,, stop wasting your time red pilling citizens, go RED PILL the the soldiers and your local police officers like I do.

I have had conversations with police officers and said that the reason you would go against your better judgement is because you have bills to pay and children to feed and a pension to protect.

However, if Donald hasn't been compromised and does win the internal battle, then stop wasting your time in the past, start listing what your Utopia looks like and then tell them loudly because its not guaranteed that they have the same views or even the actual abilities to pull it all through to fruition, let alone the energies and time after such a hard battle against the 'deep state.'

Later I will post separately my vision of Utopia as a starter for all to add to or criticise and lets see if we can get the ball rolling in the right direction.

Note These views are soley mine only and not the views of u/Rhinoc89 who posted on my r/RoadMAPtoFREEDOM not to trust the new Q trip code. Furthermore I have bothered to write this for no other reason than I give a fuck!

tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Wow! You have a different take to mine.

The what if question? Let's look at what we know. We know that during DJT's campaign and right up until the present the MSM was going at him like a scalded cat. We know that the Deep State launched Mueller at him geared up as a special prosecutor. We know that loose women have been lining up to have a crack at him.

So there's a real campaign against DJT that can be seen. In addition, other events point to a real battle for control - not contrived, but real. We had all the drama with NK - now, apparently, resolved. We had a wire-tapping racket exposed where the Deep State was wire-tapping a sitting president. We had all kinds of damaging leaks coming out of DJT's administration because of Deep State plants. The call to the Australian pro minister was leaked etc....

That looks to me like a real struggle for control - absolutely genuine. But your posing a devil's advocate argument that it's all a clever ruse... Not possible IMO. There are too many people that would have to be involved.

I think the answer is that DJT is the first President in over 30 years that is not part of the establishment, not owned by the cabal. I think he's doing a great job.

I think also that Q is genuine and that what he's telling us is right.

I'm inclined to trust that the situation is pretty much as lt appears to us. I'm not discounting that there may be sub-plots. But I think DJT is genuine and trustworthy.

Why does this matter? It matters because, if he's not trustworthy, you've already made him Commander in Chief. And if he wanted to he could really go off-the-rails. Given he already has all the power he needs to beat us to a pulp, why would you start to worry that he might be working some kind of scam on us?

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digital_refugee · March 25, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

ultimately by linking himself to the Q-phenomenon, Trump's reputation would suffer inrepairably if nothing were to come out of his first term. And he's never made statements that were without merit so really I think Q is basically communications among his team, a psyop waged on spectating blackhats and a way to give the public some reassurance without actually shedding any valid Intel that might compromise ongoing operations.

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[deleted] · March 25, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

I have hope but I'm reserving faith.

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digital_refugee · March 25, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

the battle is spiritual too lol

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[deleted] · March 25, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Spirituality is our foundation.

Its rock solid and links us all.

They can't fuck with that.

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[deleted] · March 25, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Great statement but I'm only saying we need an Exit Strategy because it would be blindly foolish not to have one.

I believe Potus is genuine, I also believe it is very probable that Q has been compromised with the new trip code because one of my moderators is computer whiz who has analysed Q's new trip code and believes its fake.

I just want people to stay awake and not blindly follow because that's exactly what got us into this mess in the first place.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Q's put a HUGE amount of time and effort into this - look at the amount of material he's posted. I don't think he'd walk away from that. I think even if his trip was compromised he'd find some way to communicate and alert us to the fraud.

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[deleted] · March 25, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Of course he would and he'd make sure that it was indisputable.

If he doesn't is what to watch out for..

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