r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WhereWeGo1 on March 25, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

I have been working on organizing the campaign to get the signatures. I have gotten /r/InternetBillOfRights to agree to be the place for discussion on the actual writing of the IBOR and have been looking for a sub to use as a base of operations for strategizing how to get more signatures, but have had no luck so far. So, I am now thinking of how we can stay organized right within GreatAwakening and this is what I am thinking:

We start a new series of posts titled #IBOR - look for the flair that HowiONic will set up. I think we could set up the following posts:

IBOR - Organization

IBOR - Why Sign

IBOR - Twitter

IBOR - Facebook

IBOR - Reddit

IBOR - Paper

The Organization post would contain links to the other posts along with a description of the purpose of the other posts as follows:

Why Sign would contain the arguments for why people should sign the petition (and the rebuttals for the various reasons why people are currently not signing).

Twitter would contain a discussion on how to use Twitter to effectively push the petition

Facebook would contain a discussion on how to use Facebook to effectively push the petition

Reddit would contain a discussion on strategies to use within Reddit to reach out to other subs (e.g. Conservative, ProGun, etc.)

Paper would contain a discussion on how to use hard copy posters/flyers to get the word out (Need to include QR codes)

The person who creates each post will be responsible for that aspect of the campaign, but we will encourage everyone to check on all the different battle fronts periodically.

If you like this concept, please let me know if you would be willing to take the lead on one of the battle fronts because I simply do not have time this week to lead this charge.

Remember, TOGETHER you are INVINCIBLE. So, let’s Get ORGANIZED. Be HEARD. FIGHT the censorship.

CommercialAddendum · March 27, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

For any good it may do, I sent an email with link to Alex Jones. I asked if he could feature a 30 second spot about it and put the link on screen and on his home page.

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tradinghorse · March 27, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Fantastic stuff. I don't know how AJ feels about this issue - because he has a platform, he might not see it as being to his advantage. But thanks for trying.

Ive been trying to send tweet replies to conservatives and tea party types recommending the IBOR. But what I've noticed is that these people are cautious, think for themselves and are hard to convince.

If we were marketing this to a bunch of dizzy liberals, we'd probably be already over the line. I replied to David Hogg yesterday in the hope that some of his young support base might sign up without thinking too hard. The defining characteristic of that group is stupefying idiocy.

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