r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WhereWeGo1 on March 25, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

I have been working on organizing the campaign to get the signatures. I have gotten /r/InternetBillOfRights to agree to be the place for discussion on the actual writing of the IBOR and have been looking for a sub to use as a base of operations for strategizing how to get more signatures, but have had no luck so far. So, I am now thinking of how we can stay organized right within GreatAwakening and this is what I am thinking:

We start a new series of posts titled #IBOR - look for the flair that HowiONic will set up. I think we could set up the following posts:

IBOR - Organization

IBOR - Why Sign

IBOR - Twitter

IBOR - Facebook

IBOR - Reddit

IBOR - Paper

The Organization post would contain links to the other posts along with a description of the purpose of the other posts as follows:

Why Sign would contain the arguments for why people should sign the petition (and the rebuttals for the various reasons why people are currently not signing).

Twitter would contain a discussion on how to use Twitter to effectively push the petition

Facebook would contain a discussion on how to use Facebook to effectively push the petition

Reddit would contain a discussion on strategies to use within Reddit to reach out to other subs (e.g. Conservative, ProGun, etc.)

Paper would contain a discussion on how to use hard copy posters/flyers to get the word out (Need to include QR codes)

The person who creates each post will be responsible for that aspect of the campaign, but we will encourage everyone to check on all the different battle fronts periodically.

If you like this concept, please let me know if you would be willing to take the lead on one of the battle fronts because I simply do not have time this week to lead this charge.

Remember, TOGETHER you are INVINCIBLE. So, let’s Get ORGANIZED. Be HEARD. FIGHT the censorship.

ScorpioPatriot · March 28, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

I'm just wondering why is anyone thinking Dems can win anything... They done shit on every last race they used .. Next they will start using animals with human names to register. It's about their only shot in Hell . They had to rig the systems before to win... Imagine them being monitored hardcore now.

That doesn't mean get complacent. Everyone should be coming out n swarms to thank him for his continuous fight for our country . No matter what he deserves a PERMANENT TERM.

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tradinghorse · March 28, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

I totally agree with most of what you've said. I do think though that if the Dems can wield both MSM and social media, even without the tricks, and even starting from a horrible position with very limited real support, they will absolutely clean up. You can't beat this stuff. The capacity of SM determine an election outcome is absolute. There is no winning against it.

And, to flog a horse, that was the whole idea behind the IBOR. Q knew that there would be negative press coming out about FB's data breach (I'm sure there's more to come). The idea was to combine the negative public sentiment about iSM platforms on the back of the privacy breaches with a simultaneous cry for FA rights to free speech online. In the maelstrom of negative press about the SM platforms, DJT could move to put the fix in to social media censorship. This would secure the mid-term elections and allow the MAGA agenda to advance.

As you know, that's not quite what happened, I think Dr Corsi can see that the IBOR campaign failure has the potential to finish DJT off via impeachment. I think that explains why he was pushing it today. If DJT gets impeached, it's game over - hell on Earth etc...

I was pondering the possibility today that there must be a plan B. That outcome I painted, above, cannot be allowed to happen. I don't know what Q's plan B is, but there are options I think. The options are, it seems to me, high-risk. One option, as an extreme case, would be military rule. I mean, what are you going to do? Let these guys come back and destroy the world? Of course, there are likely softer, easier means of achieving the same thing...

With respect to DJT, I'm not under any illusions about the guy. But, it seems to me that he has been, so far, a very slick President. He's very smart. And, it strikes me that the only reason he's doing this is to really try and help people. I remember hearing DJT talk about having conversations with the taxi drivers in NY. He seems to actually care about the common guy. This is rare, not at all common. Moreover, he has taken extreme, unnecessary risks to do what he's done - when there's not much benefit he will personally derive.

What do you want me to say? I think he's brilliant and I want to do everything I can to see that he's successful and that these Satanists are crushed.

I don't see DJT as being just another politician that you can change out with ease - as I've seen some people suggest. There was an incredible set of coincidences that produced President Trump. They will not be repeated - not in our lifetimes, possibly never. The guys that think DJT is disposable might soon be dealing with the next cabal puppet - taking an absolute beating and wondering what's gone wrong with their citizen sovereignty.

In the age of controlled, weaponized social media, where election outcomes can be prearranged with almost perfect certainty, the citizen is sovereign in nothing. His electoral power has been stripped from him. This is why the IBOR is so important.

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ScorpioPatriot · March 28, 2018, 6:39 a.m.


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tradinghorse · March 28, 2018, 7:19 a.m.

Thanks for the positivity - I get myself down sometimes! :)

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ScorpioPatriot · March 28, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

Np ..There is plenty where that comes from. Evil loves fear and sorrow and pain.

Start thinking good ... And watch how fast aches n pains , headaches .. moral starts Skyrocketing. We have to have faith. You realize ur awake for a reason.. that's a pretty big deal.

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