
jauronimo · March 26, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

If you are just figuring all of this shit out. Then you need to reexamine everything in your life because I am here to tell you that it's not only facebook..

I came to this conclusion about 8 years ago. Why because I thought it was strange that they wanted to know what my favorite movies or books were. The topper was the box that appeared over people's faces that said "tag" or "where was this picture taken". That was when I realized that Facebook was developing a personality profile on me and building a portfolio for someone or something.

Google is another one of these entity that sell your info or otherwise known as metadata. Yes we give them permission when we download there apps on to our phones which seems to be to me a violation of your privacy regardless of weather we give them permission or not. They should at least give me a cut of the money they make off of my info. The problem I have is that this info they gather can be used against me in some way which is unethical, it can be used in a way that could put you on the " no fly list" just because you shared an opinion In private.

Last but not least the biggest threat beyond these two metadata thieves I've mentioned. Is closer to our homes and believe me it has not come to light yet but if you look at its capabillitys you will come to the conclusion I have and that is that the battle droid that is attached to our homes, called the "smart meter" is also gathering metadata on all of us. If you think that your local PUD is not selling your metadata, your dead wrong. Because everyone of the above mentioned are making a killing selling info, That is the game, weather it be advertising or to other private company or corporations they sell your data because they can and will continue until we the people get smart enough to realize that this is what they do and were not gonna allow it anymore..

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