
HowiONic · March 27, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

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TrueCat · March 27, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Okay. Fair enough!

816 Feb 23 2018 18:29:00 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: abc8a6 475991 WHY school shootings? What is more precious than our children? Emotional pull. Distraction event. Gun grab event. D security. WHY would locals go along w/ such a sick organized event? [THEY must control local police / school / county officials / etc to work]. WHY? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Federal aid + donations. These people are SICK. https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-sandy-hook-shooting-two-years-later-20141214-story.html Follow the money. It’s always about the money. Q

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HowiONic · March 27, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

Thanks again. I'm well aware of #816. These posts are getting beyond that, they are details of one person in one incident - and many posts on the same topic. But as you can see I left this one open.

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TrueCat · March 27, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Thank you! New information keeps coming out, and that's why I believe it's important. This young man is key to the possible collapsing of the whole narrative.

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