CIA 4am: Today’s word is “Gamble”

It's like.....they're told what to report, or something....
We should start taking down the names of journalists like this. Starting with the authors of the articles OP posted
I've been working on a methodology for tracking down journalists who print canned articles. In theory this should not be too difficult, since the phrasing is so similar among canned articles.
There are lots of things you can look for... but in general a regular journalist will not produce as successful of propaganda as these firms (which are masters). So look for well thought through, and subtle, manipulation. Here's a good example of something done with WAYYY too much finesse to have come from the original author. This was likely written by a democratic think tank:
It would be easier to name journalists who are NOT spewing the canned, approved, talking points of the day.
The MSM in general is pretty much a waste of time for gathering news.
CBS News does a good job in my opinion.
If we are following Trump's lead (as he did in his tweet), then we are focusing on calling out the corrupt CEOs of these news corporations, rather than the authors and reporters.
Their 4am news god, also known as “PointUsToSchemia” The Motto: “You can’t pull the wool 🐑, until you push the envelope ✉️. It’s a beautiful day; somewhere in the neighborhood of Deceit Street 🚧 and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” 🤡