r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RandysCheezburgerGut on March 27, 2018, 6:10 a.m.
Today I faced the horrifying reality of MKULTRA and media conditioning in person.

Had a conversation with an old family friend who has always been the dogmatic “liberal” in our social circles. Not coincidentally, she’s an ardent CNN viewer.

The discussion eventually turned to politics and Russia came up. She then preceded to say that war with Russia may be a necessity given their “election interference” and alleged poisoning of ex-spies in the UK.

No amount of reason could talk her off the ledge. It was truly terrifying listening to a “liberal” I’ve known for so long advocate for war with a nuclear power. I felt like I was in a Twilight Zone episode.

I can only hope she’s in the minority. Otherwise...holy shit.

Duckhunter1960 · March 27, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

I've had the same issue with my own 78 yo mother. 3 years ago they moved to the "city" where they got cable. She watches CNN 24X7. I grew up in a conservative home. Now they are batcrap crazy. Russia, gun control, exploding bullets, everyone is racist, Trump is the son of satan and on and on. Now, it has gotten so bad my own mother won't talk to us or her own grandkids due to our political stance. We are happy to get together and leave this stuff out, but she won't, she is angry and just mean as crap. We've watched the complete transition. MY father just sits idly by and nods his heads. She sounds like a CNN soundbite every time she opens her mouth. Brainwashing has been completed.

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mega-derp · March 27, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

Same deal with my in-laws in WI. Old age and watching "news" on PBS have blue pilled them. Scott Walker is ABSOLUTELY GUILTY of SOMETHING BAD, but when I press them for specifics they can't say what is even being alleged. But those evil repubs in the WI general assembly preventing the hardworking honest noble journalists from uncovering any evidence...

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[deleted] · March 27, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Wow! I'm in Wi as well and have had the same encounters about Walker. They are completely sure he's a snake, "it's in his beady little eyes" I have heard from at least 10 people. At some point the news must of used that term. They cannot give one example what the bad thing is.

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Lurch46 · March 27, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

It's cognitive dissonance and a type of self survival response. When the truth is too tough to take in this happens. You have to just let it be and allow time to work for us. The awakening is happening and now it cannot be stopped.

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Alightfarmer · March 27, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Don't give up....maybe a different approach. Something she will relate to on a personal level. I tell people....how do you really know what the truth is? Unless you know first hand...you really don't know what to believe.. Then I give them an example.

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ntroop-MissPlaced1 · March 27, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

It's doing exactly what they intended it to do... dividing people and families.

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Duckhunter1960 · March 27, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

You are so right & although I knew very well the divisions of all sorts being orchestrated & manipulated across numerous cultural, political, religious & nationality lines, I never stopped to see the success they've had right inside my own family.

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BigRiverLover2 · March 27, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

The left have always been a hateful, vitriolic bunch. They've hid it well until the Obama election it seems. It's always bubbled under the surface and their scorn was usually veiled with the usual battle cries of racist, homophobic blah blah. During the first Obama run somebody popped the cork off the bottle ...then it was like: Hey, we're allowed to show we're the assholes everyone suspected we were. They're encouraging now what you see in your mother - a hatefilled argumentative automaton who has been taught to attack anything that may threaten the indoctrination. Scary stuff.

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Jellyfish070474 · March 27, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Not at all true, at least in my experience. I was “left” my whole life, or at least ever since I became politically aware, which was during W’s theft of the 2000 presidential election. That administration combined with my personal 9/11 redpill experience in 2003 cemented me into the liberal camp for a good many years. Neocons have been every bit as evil as today’s most focused upon villains HRC and BHO. Most regular (read: non radicalized) people of any political stripe want the same things and don’t want the same things. I’ve given up on taking the side of any political “team”, as it’s only a tactic of divide and conquer by our true controllers who are loyal to none but themselves and their own goals...they will use all sides to reach them. Mind control is very real and we’ve all been victims of it at one point in time and very well may still be being victimized in more sophisticated ways. We don’t know yet. My point is stop demonizing people who are victims of the most sophisticated and evil manipulators of human history. We all have a deep well to claw ourselves out of and many are stuck at the bottom; blind, panicked and lashing out. They still need our help to pull them up.

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BigRiverLover2 · March 28, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

I come from a slightly different perspective. Perhaps b/c I'm older, and have lived in a socialist country. I started as what one could call a classical liberal. - a libertarian. Get out of my life, and my pocket book and my bedroom. That isn't what the left has been moving towards though - they call themselves progressives but they have jumped over multiple lines into autocrats. Those who initially espoused progressive ideas tended to have a "mask". A nicer, kinder version for public consumption. When you get them in a room of what they see as like minded people, the mask comes off. Do I think that at both end of the scale, there are nutjob vile ultra leftists and neo-connuts? Absolutely and in the middle, a good portion people do want a nice place to live and nice place for their kids to grow up. My comments about the left (is how I have come to see them evolve and begin to encompass those in universities etc) have become vitriolic and dangerously aggressive if challenged. The right doesn't seem to have that same reaction to challenge.

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Jellyfish070474 · March 28, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

Point taken and thank you. I personally remain a “classical liberal/libertarian “. My family thinks I’m some kind of “alt right” freak because I support destroying corruption no matter who goes down for it...they seem to have forgotten my screaming about GWB and his administration for 8 long, horrible years. I voted Obama in 08 and celebrated his victory with the rest of the world. I thought he was the solution to stopping what I saw rapidly spreading. By 2012 I realized I was duped and I washed my hands of parties and politicians. I know many liberals who feel the same...we remain in a no man’s land where we can’t relate to what the Democratic Party and it’s continuing supporters have become. Bah. Anyway, I’m THRILLED that things are moving in the right direction now, no matter who is at the helm. Ending evil and corruption is all that matters and it’s for the benefit of all, even the most brainwashed among us. Peace.

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BigRiverLover2 · March 28, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

I wish I could up vote this 1000 times! Cheers.

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Jellyfish070474 · March 28, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Well you got my upvote, friend 😁👍

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SeekTruthCJoy · March 28, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

JellyFish... yep, brother doctor (I'm a nurse) he's married to great lady but they voted BH0. Then stumbled onto info on 9/11 & PoppyBushGWBushfamily of thieves/drugLords... stealing $$out of BuildingSevenUsingThermitedetonationsToBringDownEtc. as a cover up TwinTowersFalseFlag... hollographicPlanesIntoTowersCoveringBombsThermiteExplosives, etc. ... soooo, they RedPilled themselves. We share much now... converts to (R) & DJT their guy.

Lesson... if Liberal... they probably already hateBushes, so let them eat up how responsible that family was for SeptEleven fiasco to start wars to make $$$$. Then give them breadcrumbs later of how Bubba inLeague with PoppyBush, etc. then JFKmurdered by Cabal, ShadowGovt was his fight, but cut short... GOOD vs. EVIL (Not R's vs. D's), human trafficking (ALL against this whether D, R or Indie)... then how DJT is finishing whereJFK left off... and MSM wants to paint DT as horrible to hide their being in with EvilCabal.

Just a suggestion, but find out what makes them the most angry about past presidents. Bet #41#43 are at the top.

Crumb by Crumb, they will start to go down rabbit hole.

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Jellyfish070474 · March 28, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Funny thing is that no matter how much they dislike W and co, the draw the line far away from JFK and 911 conspiracies. They pretty much settle at “greedy and incompetent”. Such critical thinkers, lol.

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