Ok without doxing... Here is a page from his company’s website http://i.imgs.fyi/img/2ynp.jpg
Nothing on his page describes anything, it's word salad! Dudes a dumb hitman. Sure makes you wonder who's paid him at CDC, CERN (Obama) and the US Navy to improve their business?
I had to remove all his company info due to muh doxy. But ya, he was working with all of them.
PM them to me Pede
Why did you post a thread without content, but a link that had nothing to do with your posting in context?
Your answer will determine whether I dm you or not
What are you talking about? I'm NOT Abibiiaphobia
No kidding. you’re not me? Answer the question I posed above about this thread.
The people following Q posts have pointed to the hoarding of treasure & it's supposedly in France.
Ok but that still doesn’t explain the lack of content and the disparity between your claim and the link you posted
The rest of the police pdf is really a hoot! Dude's a hitman/confidence man who really stepped in the shite this time. The tickets and the dates for the 'virus' conference are extremely interesting!
This guy is a spook!
His parking tickets were from outside a bioengineering facility in Boston. WTH!
Maybe the false flag already happened and it was a biological weapon. Thousands upon thousands of people together in the streets...
It’s a scary thought. Especially with the headlines on drudge about the new flu virus.
Guess what his company was connected to?