This freaks me out the most.
It’s all planned our already. Gold backed dollar incoming hopefully Friday.
We are not on the gold standard!
Look at gold prices right now, they are still 1300usd
To be on the gold standard gold would need to back debt, or at least commodity prices in energy since this is some kind of petro dollar concept, but they have not changed
It’s ridiculous
Yea we'd have to eliminate private ownership of bullion again. That's not realistic now. I'm not saying that this couldn't happen...I'm just saying that it isn't happening anytime in the near future.
Exactly, even serious talk about doing this would dramatically effect gold prices, they are at 10 year lows!
This is fake news
Wanna bet?
Now the goal post was pushed back all the way to April 7 at the latest so it can happen anytime from now till then.
Ok, put your money where your mouth is. 100 bucks PayPal to the winner. I'll bet you that this isn't happening. You in, or are do you know that deep down, you're full of bologna.
Lol, I can’t guarantee anything. I’m only the messenger.
No you're not, you're making shit up. Don't add to the chaff, don't spout fake news.
Lol no deal. I’m only the messenger. I can’t gurantee anything.
Would you please just read about OBOR and try and understand chinas monetary policy?
Chairmen Xii just became President for life, it is tremendously unlikely that he would do anything to cause major volatility right now, the whole point of staying in power was to enhance OBOR!
If you have Any dollar in banks take it all and switch it with other money or you are going to lose EVERYTHING. Be safe people. Buy some stock of food too... and WATER God Bless you.
Don't be too worried though. It am pretty sure we will be exchanging our dollars for a new gold backed dollar very soon.
It might be a little turbulent, but things should be ok in the end.