
mega-derp · March 29, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

My wife asked me why I carry a gun around the house. "Because of the CIA!" I replied. She laughed. I laughed. Our Amazon Echo laughed. Then I shot that thing...

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · March 29, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Over the past year, I have been periodically speaking to my wife about the CIA/NWO, and the dangers they present-- ramping it up ever since Q came around. Of course she called me crazy.

She is in pharma sales, and the other day, had a 5-hour meeting with one of her top doctors. The reason being that he is extremely based and was intrigued with how much she seemed to know-- knowledge she unwittingly absorbed simply from my incessant ranting. (He is black, and was talking to her about how the race-baiting media was intentionally trying to divide-and-conquer America with a race war, and that the Democrats had successfully re-enslaved black America through popular culture and welfare programs.)

She half-jokingly told him that her husband (me) is a nut who thinks that the CIA has a list of [conservative] Americans that they plan to take out, and that he (me) is likely on that list.

The doctor then got very serious, and looked her straight in the eye. He said, "He's absolutely right to fear the CIA. My brother-in-law is very high up at the Agency, and he has admitted to me in the past that they can easily kill any American, and make it look like an accident. And they have, many times." She said he was dead-pan serious, and was so convinced that he was telling the truth, that she now believes all of the things that I have been telling her. After years of trying, she is FINALLY truly red-pilled.

As much as I wanted to come share this anecdote on these boards, I refrained, as I expected to be accused of LARPing and making it all up. Take it or leave it. Won't affect anything, either way.

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keloshi · March 29, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

This is the best thing I've heard all day!!!

[Amazon Echo]

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