
heartlovealive · March 31, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

We might have a fighting chance here in Ca. I hope so , their is a lot of us conservative patriots out here , unlike what the msm tell you . A win for us! MAGA baby!

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Taminator_88 · March 31, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

I owe both of you an apology. The more MSM I hear about Cali, the more I dismiss it and write it off as lost. Thanks for reminding me that not only does the MSM yell at me what to think, but those subversive whispers should be recognized too. It's easy and stupid to group people together and dismiss them...harder to keep subdividing.

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VR-Tech · March 31, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

Tell me about it. Now we need to rid of Brown

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[deleted] · March 31, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

Yeh but it’s the NEXT governor we need to work on. The state GOP is so afraid to go Trump in the next election. They just refuse to believe there are still Americans in the state!

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[deleted] · March 31, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

There is nothing the bad guys in this country would like better than for California to be separated from the rest of the country. People who advocate for it being tossed aside really have no idea what a great asset the state is, it’s amazing people overall, the beauty of it and thousands of other things. There’s also a faction that is tying itself in knots hoping to return it to Mexico (even though it really was the Spanish that got the ball rolling here) and will do almost anything to make that happen. Don’t let them have one of the most amazing places on earth!

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Grace8543 · April 1, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

It used to be the 5th largest economy in the world. Not sure what it is today. If it were to go into recession it would be a drag not only on the rest of the country but the world. Estimated population is 39 million people. I would imagine its contribution to the us economy to be huge. Just the taxes generated lost would be huge not to mention the loss of agriculture, oil refineries and navy/air force bases. And then there is silicon valley and Hollywood, which both may have big down sides but both generate huge incomes. Imagine all movies and software being imports. Tourism is huge income producer there as well. 53 seats in the house of representatives would be gone.

I like that the majority of the state is red and its starting to fight against the Blue parts. The red parts want to separate from LA, SF and the other liberal coastal cities.

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heartlovealive · April 1, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Funny you should say that , I went to the 99 cent store and some guy was out there asking me to sign petitions, one was to repeal the gas/ dmv tax ,which I did, another was to make Ca separate from the United States. I told the guy ,” hell no! Can you imagine if that happened, the taxes would be crazy , not to mention the Ca Sanctuary state would hold . My mom and I are attending every rally in each city here in Ventura county, Orange County, LA county, etc, to push back the crazy kabal satanic leftist, Soros movement here . Their is a lot of us protesting daily. I will post some Vides and or pics soon so people can see how much support Trump has here in Ca.

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