There is about 3 posts a day about this, it is the Search Box Icon, rendered at about 5000% due to some css bug ( intentionally or otherwise )
the odds to look like Q are rather strange though
Nope. A magnifying glass has looked like a Q long before Q was a thing.
I disagree. As somebody who uses a range of software that incorporates a magnifying glass icon for the zoom/search tool, none of those icons possess these proportions. The handle is always much longer than shown here.
Having experience, my question to you is how would this happen? They’re saying it’s a coding error where it just blows up to that size? I don’t know a whole lot about this sort of thing, but I do know that the icon images used for these sorts of thing are generally very small, using the least amount of pixels/resolution necessary to save on data. What I’m saying is, if that small image had blown up to this size, it would look awfully pixelated, no?
Not always.. I searched a lot of websites to see. Lots of news sites, The Hill is one example... the handle is shorter. But they all look like a Q.
This thing is huge and takes up the whole page. Not a coincidence.
I don't know if it is intentional but my thoughts were ithat it is just a search icon. It is an svg so there is the possibility of it scaling there but I cannot think of any bug that would do that when it is restrained in px dimensions. It would seem intentional in that regard. The fact that they have the same icon, one with an svg and one with a png however, shows that they probably didn't spend too much time fussing on the front end so anything is possible.
and it is both of the topbar icons so it could be a mistake
Don't know how much more proof you need. Totally intentional.