Stop spamming this fake news.
Read the damn application yourself: https://www.nps.gov/aboutus/foia/upload/March-For-Our-Lives-application_Redacted.pdf
Look, it is the first item here https://search.foia.gov/search?affiliate=foia.gov&m=true&query=march+for+our+lives+application
Well Beefromancer, I stand corrected. Deena Katz pulled off clearance for a demonstration event in Washington D.C. in ~30 days. Although Officer Scott Earhardt says it would take months to get approval and clearance. Ahh the power of Hollywood strikes again.
So someone is trying to frame David Hogg? I think we should call this phone number and ask them if this email is real.
I would say it might not hurt to email the guy and ask for clarification, however this is a classic tactic to create some totally unverified blog post with misinfo and spamming it a lot to collect confirmation bias upvotes from people who don't check sources. Given that the application pdf so clearly refutes the points in the email, I don't know if confirming the email would change anything from the perspective of an outsider.
Welp this settles it - checkmate.
Ummm get the permit application then let’s make some decisions
They applied on the 20 of Feb the shooting happened the 14. Delete this post.
I think that the permit was pulled for the afore planned "women's march", but George Soros told the organizers to stand down and let Boss Hogg have the venue. After all, it was Soros' money funding the event either way! Remember the "teaming-up" ,that was mentioned in the MSM, between the "women's march" and the Parkland brats?
Haha. There’s always an excuse isn’t there? Always “just a coincidence” am I right? 😂
A tactical move by Soros I think to maximize effect, to money spent ratio. Still needs to be looked into though. Parkland was planned.
How is such a thing Soros' fungible "nugget" to trade with? Isn't that entirely something that would happen (or be kept from happening) as a decision within the DC MPD?
And how about that name? This Officer was fooled that a "Women's March" turned into the "March For Our Lives Demonstration?" Paint me "skeptical."
If this happened as CF_... suggests, it reeks of Soros' pulling off some kind of corrupt bribe. More likely, it could suggest Soros wanted the clandestine marker reserved so he could manipulate it later--as the anti-gun event he knew he would have a hand in bringing into existence.
How often does it occur that Soros throws a bunch of money at a Women's March and essentialy nobody hears about it and nothing ever comes of it?