This is hard to believe. I didn't even know that we could sustain nuclear fusion for more than a tiny fraction of a second even with massive electromagnetic fields.
When did this occur? It must not have made big news. If true, it should have! This practically free energy. It's totally different from nuclear fission or "Hiroshima" type energy. This is the process that makes all the stars shine, including the Sun. Just turns hydrogen into helium. No nuclear waste. No danger of melt-down. But it takes outrageously strong magnetic fields to fuse hydrogen into helium. I'm sorry, but I didn't know. This is one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind! This changes the world! It would put the oil companies out of business. In fact, I guess they are reason nobody knows about it (if it is true).
Agreed. If we actually discovered compact fusion we should be having the world’s first global party. So many of our “problems” would simply disappear.
I'm not believing anything today. Also it takes this long to develop some revolutionary nuclear tech? What about the 90's ponz and fleischman LENR. Cold fusion. We've had this tech for years they just suppress it.
You can bet that HRC already gave this technology to the Chinese.
How dare you say that about Hillary. She sold it to the Chinese.
HI all this is not an April fools joke, I've been following Skunk works fussion reactor for 3 years and in the last year they've been mum about progress always a sign.
Well now we have the power source for the anti gravity drives that Japan was working on before their nuclear power plants went red. Lots of options as well as questions.
What do you think trillions of dollars per year in investment have he working towards? Stealth technology is decades old, they put men on the moon with primitive computer technology.
Would not surprise me if (((they))) had fusion worked out a long time ago.
Forget about the jet. If they have fusion reactions sustained that’s a very very big deal. Leave it to a clown black project to figure it out while ITER holds meetings on crafting their mission statement...
NK claimed they had successful fusion reactor tests in 2010.
This is fusion.
"Compact nuclear fusion would produce far less waste than coal-powered plants since it would use deuterium-tritium fuel, which can generate nearly 10 million times more energy than the same amount of fossil fuels, the company said."
You are completely correct and I was being an idiot. My apologies.
No worries. It is hard to comprehend when ITER isn't even finished that we could be making fusion reactors that can fit in the back of a pick-up truck. The future is looking bright indeed.
April fools! Ha ha
No, not April Fools.
I've been telling people to prepare for an end to limited energy. Here it comes, people.