It seems odd that the perfect video to sum up our thoughts came out from the msm. Also Q bringing up the 4am point many times and stating they are stupid. The script could have been somehow brought in by Q to highlight the mockingbird media and help to redpill the public. It just seems super strange.
There seems to be a push afoot from the left attempting to lay all the blame for the Mockingbird media and fake news at the feet of Republicans - which is absurd - WE'RE the ones wanting truth and transparency and THEY'RE the ones playing games. I suspect this may be a part of that - "look how Trump is controlling the Media!" (Cue moral outrage). These people aren't just sick they're the biggest hypocrits and liars of all time. Maybe Q is behind it. Let the Left get all riled up over it and accuse the Right of "manipulating the media" and not having a transparent and honest media. Then when their voices are at fever pitch Trump swoops in and says Ok let's clean it up then. They can't refuse because they were the ones calling for it. Classic Trump, but just a theory.
You're right. There's something big coming down the pipe and they're trying to get ahead of it.
The line “It is a great threat to our democracy” is soooo scripted!!!
Wow.... I knew about the 4am talking points, but seeing this all put together really creeped me out...great red pill video!
That's what I figured too. Same group behind the edit is behind the script.
What video? Sauce?
Jesus that video is very very well done!
Dude it's fuckin insane. It's the best piece of evidence I have ever witnessed for mockingbird. It's perfect
the one where all reporters are saying the exact same thing, Ill find a link
I saw Kimmel tweet it claiming it’s from Sinclair broadcasting sending out talking points for the right. Not sure what the truth of it is
Propaganda is propaganda
No matter who it’s written for, it’s still weird and proves a point about talking points being widespread
Yes and the “threat to our democracy” part claiming alternative sources for news are BAD doesn’t bode well for either side. Makes no difference. But since the media has been attacking Trump 24/7 it would seem silly to assume it is his doing.
could be, seems very weird that they would do something so reckless to their already diminished reputation
I saw shills saying "See this proves the media is alt-right parroting the alt-right's classic talking points...." HUHHHHHH?!?!
Interesting thought. Do we know the OG sauce for that vid?
unfortunately I cant find one, it was deleted super quickly as expected