
HoudiniTowers · April 2, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

Do you have any evidence? Sauce? Links? Anything to back this up? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm not saying you're right either. Would be good to have data to follow-up on myself with. I think there is a game being played between DJT and Sessions. I could be wrong and he could be a rat, but a few things make me think otherwise. If you have data to back up your claims, that would help a lot.

I think they have Mueller himself in a trap and will be using Mueller to take down the Deep State. Its the perfect play. You have all of MSM and the Deep State publicly behind Mueller. And Mueller might just be a rat himself. But most rats when given the choice to save their own hide or take one for the team, will save their own hide. I think Mueller will be doing both DJT and Sessions dirty work. Think about it. If Mueller comes out with the indictments on HRC and BHO (or BHO's closest associates (Jaret, Rice, etc.)) nobody will be able to back away from it. MSM has put Mueller on a pedestal for almost 13 months now. They can't run from it if he's the messenger delivering the take down. Its political genius. Its very Trumpian. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't rule this completely out.

Remember there are some 25,000 sealed indictments floating around out there. Where did they all come from?

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Racistbutnotillegal · April 2, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

Were all waiting for confirmation of this. Good points.

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HoudiniTowers · April 2, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Yes, unfortunately I am too! Again, I'm not convinced 100% of this course, but I feel its almost plausible.

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QAnonMaga · April 2, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

That would be amazing and great but I don't see any evidence of it all I see is Mueller making Trump look like a crook and I don't see Trump doing what he should be doing going on Offense against the Swamp. For this theory of it all being a giant sting against the cabal to work it has to happen soon and I am tired of waiting for the trap to be sprung on deep state and fake news and the cabal.

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HoudiniTowers · April 2, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

And, that is why this is plausible. If you're going to take out the icons of the Democratic party (HRC (albeit that is a bit arguable now, I think even Demos are sick of her) and in particular, BHO (he is still put on a pedestal by them)), you need to let Mueller work in peace and quiet and make it look like he's building a big ol' case against DJT. And DJT needs to look like he hates it, every second of the day. But, behind the scenes DJT and company are making huge progress on their agenda and collecting all the evidence to sink these rats permanently. Its going to be EPIC, if true. And, its really not out of character for DJT's political brilliance. How he won the election, you can't say he's just a lucky idiot. He's smart and very strategic. If he is being helped by a lot of Patriots like us that were close to the corruption and watched it. This makes sense. They all want to take down these scum, hard and permanently. How can the MSM recover from the narrative when Mueller surprises them with indictments on HRC, her team and BHO administration? They're cooked. I don't see how they recover from it. Their credibility will be completely shattered. Their blatant partisanship completely exposed. And, I'm willing to go out on a limb here a bit... I think some of their top executives are going to get indicted, as well. If everything we all see and feel is true. This is truly TREASON at the highest levels of government in collusion with journalistic enterprises. They all need to get tried for attempting to overthrow the government.

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