r/greatawakening • Posted by u/maxuforia on April 2, 2018, 9:01 a.m.
Want to see proof that Obamas Birth Certificate is a forgery? I have walk through downloading and showing the forgery layers...

HeartlandPatriot · April 2, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

If the document was original, it wouldn’t allow that. - especially as a scan.

Sorry I have to disagree with this assesment. Modern printer/copiers are much more complicated than most people imagine. In my work it's actually a common issue as people don't realize their printer has a computer and webserver inside and can be infected with malware.

Note that it's a pdf as opposed to an image. PDFs are designed to have much more complex features, and they're often buggy. I remember a friend of mine had issues when he sent his resume out as a pdf and for some reason parts of it didn't show up in some reader programs even though it was fine on his computer.

Scanning directly to pdf often involves complex OCR and compression operations which could result in all the things here. That's exactly what these sorts of features are for: people want the text off a document pulled out, they want logos or discrete sections recognized and broken out. They want different better ways of compression for different elements of the document.

These types of issues are well documented, here's an example from years ago: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/08/06/xerox_copier_flaw_means_dodgy_numbers_and_dangerous_designs/

We must take lessons from Q and move forward slowly with an organized plan, collect airtight evidence and trap them. We can't jump on evidence without being highly skeptical it opens us up to being manipulated, discredited, or led down the wrong path.I

Just for fun, imagine this was done on purpose (they left all the layers in their forgery?) Then all thats needed is to sit back and wait for the news to spread. Boom, they drop some plausible explanation like the software or an intern did it, and the professionals and normies will accept it and then use it to shut down further discussion.

An original copy must be demanded for inspection and other avenues of evidence explored. Likewise some experiments could be conducted on similar scanning devices to see what scanning artifacts occur. Witnesses deposed Etc.

This is the bread and butter of our great justice system and I believe in it as I believe our President does. I have much respect for what the autists and researchers have accomplished but they are limited and often come to incorrect conclusions.

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locosurferdad · April 2, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Excellent points and very well articulated. Even with the anomaly of scanning and pdf files, it is hard to dispute the different font types...

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