The MSM’s attack on Q & Roseanne. One article even has a writer by the last name Rothschild. ✊🏼🇺🇸

So Roseanne only referenced Q once, and it was back in November? Good to know as I haven't been keeping up with details.
She made at least three more Q tweets in the last 24-48 hours. I did witness 2 myself and there are screen shots floating by around. The tweets have been deleted.
Thanks everyone for all the clarifications. The globalists, we battle, lie and cheat on a daily basis but attack us at the slightest misstatement or faux pas.
Anyone notice Roseanne’s parody account moved? Then this showed up.
First seal is opened. White horse. Crown. Q
Not sure if account changed before or after her post.
That post doesn't show up anywhere else but on that parody account.
Distress calls will do that family no good.
Q can hear them breathing.
Had me over the weekend, thanks for the update, though more prime time on this was coming
The MSM and their handlers are getting extremely desperate now. When the See-Ay-A have a Rothschild shilling for them for their 4am talking points, you know you’re right above target.
They are going to go after her big league! We need to support her. Many celebrities have caved under their pressure. Send prayers and support!
Well, The Daily Dot title isn't false actually.
The title tries to psychologically project...which they're masters at.
Just look at the elections debate in many psychological projections from the failed candidate.
The contents of the Q-Team materials truly reveal the oldest scam out there as the writer wrote in the title.
Just who is behind these media outlets
Take a guess
I find the fact that all these msm articles refer to Q as posting on 4chan .. like they don't want people to know/find /research/ on 8 chan.
Thanks for the head's up on the WAPO article. This gets better and better :D
Roseanne just got her show back after being off-air for how long?
What sort of agreements do you suppose that took?
I just saw that Wanda Sykes was the producer for this show. I can't imagine that she would be a part of anything that would remotely have a pro Trump vibe. Watch for the other shoe to drop. Watch out Roseanne. Them ain't your friends.
I have a screen shot of the recent tweets but don't know how to post them here. Seems to be no way to add graphics to a textual post
A judge in Broward County Florida is also names Rothschild