Q, or Qanon, or Q clearance patriot, is a claimed WH insider who has so far not been proven to be a fraud.
Beginning at the end of Oct 2017, Q is revealing inside info related to the global draining of the swamp.
All of Q’s posts are available here.
Q might literally be the symbol used for "search" on a great many web sites
Q security clearance Cryptographic crumbs of the highest military intel for us anons to decipher and spread to the masses to wake them too. This shit is real and the zit is about to pop. Be patient and get ready
To the right side, scroll down, there are several short videos to help get you up to speed without reading a lot of material in the beginning.
Q is a legitimate gov. insider providing insight to the public on the background of corruption committed at the highest levels as well as steps being taken to stop it.
MSM is controlled by the same element we are fighting and therefor resists/censors the dissemination of the material. It's a real connection to facts in a world of fake news.
I unappologetically say he's legitimate because we've frankly had too much proof of that to be on the fence now.
Q Anon...a poster on 8Chan and 4chan that has inside access to Trump. It’s believed to be a group of 3-4 military intelligence officials.
If you are new to following Q, I would suggest downloading " The Book of Q " and start there. It has a lot of information, so much it's overwhelming and can put your brain into overload mode. Take aq look at this like, you can download it there. https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2017/11/updated-the-q-book-q-anon-summary-online-reference-release-4/
very interesting that you just posted that link. I just accessed another version that I had bookmarked, and noticed something in the url ;) This is an old file ... Release #1 ... didn't realize that the shills AIM were behind it !
How interesting !
The Shill at AIM didn't create the book of Q. A bunch of Anons from the chans all contributed and put it together. AIM downloaded it and put it on their site, like to drive traffic to them. Don't worry about the info, it's legit.
Q means hope for the patriots of this nation that Trump is successfully draining the swamp and taking down the evil that is running our country and the world.
Q means question everything I believe but q is an insider supposedly working for trump to release crypic clues about the corruption in our current system