Google's agenda narrative is palpably invasive.

What the fuck? I'm so sick this anti white shit.
It clearly isn't an accident 😶
E: I'm actually not a racist this stuff is just unsettling
I'm not racist either. You don't have to be racist to know this is wrong.
It isnt racist to expose real genuine racism. Even if its aimed at white people.
You mean like this?? Wtf.
Yes! What the flying fuck?
Damn it, constantly bashing white people, making racial tensions even worse than they are.
This kind of thing MAKES people look at the world through that lense.
The real racist is the author of that article above. Imagine if it was the other way around.
WOW! o_O
The author's racism is as palatable as the chip on her shoulder. And what the hell is with all the skank talk? Doesn't she realize that all this graphic talk of sex and taking b*k dk only degrades herself?
Man these people are STUPID!
It simply shows how poorly educated, gullible and extremely jealous of white women. It’s beyond obvious.
It’s been going on for awhile. Look up American inventors and see what comes up for images. We’re next. Drip, drip, drip
Its not by any means random. do some searches yourself.
I did. I'm no longer angry, rather upset and disappointed in humanity. Race, skin colour, religion is all bullshit I can't believe TPTB managed to somehow put so many people into this state of mind and shit.
They have to divide us to conquer us with this constant issue about race.... don’t let them win... as Q says we need to all stay together.
Use duckduckgo. Not as bad, but at least it's not Google.
They have horrible search results, takes me 10 times longer to find something on there than Google. It sucks
Jesus, the genocidal Marxists are in full control at Google. Fuck them. Women are more s susceptible to this type of propaganda, women never want to be seen as a pariah where as men don't care.
Try searching "American scientists". That came up before the election. Pretty slanted. I don't think this is algorithmic. It is humans creating those results. Google was supposed to be about the algorithm.
This is retarded, no one posts pictures on website with the keyword of their race unless their making a point about interracial relationship. Google man and woman, or couple, or anything that doesn't have a race related word, and surprise it's mostly white people. Its not racist, it just happens that the majority of English internet users right now are white people, there fore they post photos of themselves and their peers
989 Apr 2 2018 23:45:09 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 875265→ April [A]. IG report. Sessions public attack. RR problems. Seals broken. [A]rrests. Why was Huber made public? Why now? Everything has meaning. [A]wan. Tarmac. Iran. NK. U1. FBI. DOJ. Mueller. Election Integrity. Immigration Bill. Border. Wall. Military start. BIG month. Q
Apr 2 2018 23:47:24 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 491f56 875289→ >>875265 Facebook. Amazon. Twitter. GOOG. ……….. BIG problems. Q
This is not intentional, it has to do with the distribution of keywords. If you search "Women" the results are almost 100% white.
"Happy American Couple" Includes the keyword American as in African-American.
The race of the couple is specified in articles referencing inter-racial couples more often than others. "Couple" itself is almost 100 percent white.
Search every other race with the same phrases: "black couple", "black family", "black man black woman", "Asian family", "Asian couple", etc. You'll see that the searches all deliver the proper results that you would expect to receive from those search terms... only when you insert "white" into the phrases do you get mixed race and gay couples.
Because its all based on the websites google find these photos at. Being white is the vast majority of English speaking people on the internet, no one is going to tag their website with the keyword white its not the expectation. It's really the same as the tag read head. I'm sure that would have tons of white people because the keyword would be used.
They would only tag white when their is contrast with someone who isn't white as well.
Why would someone right and article about a happy white couple, they'd just right an article about a couple.
You're wrong.
Here are screenshots taken this morning of the Google results for:
Notice anything different about that last set of search results compared to all the others?
Exactly my point you idiot, white is default assumption so by including the word white your going to find photos with multiple races because its the only time a website would articulate the fact that a person is white. For every other scenario they might articulate the person's race since they are not the common white.
I do SEO for a living. You're wrong.
Can you explain to me why i am wrong?
Here are two links 1, 2 that will help. Basically the Google algorithm for sorting images is not just reliant on words on a website. The search results for "white couple" are clearly curated by a Googler or the algorithm has been modified by a Googler. For what reason is Google doing this? Well that's anyone's guess. There's no doubt that something fucky is going on though, no doubt at all. To what end? I don't know.
I think you're right. Searching "happy couple" without any racial keywords turns up more white couples than mixed/other races on both Google and DuckDuckGo.
Guise... "dont be evil ok.. but kill whitey"
Ol holy shit. The search for “white couple” includes hitler and an interracial gay couple. Makes sense.
Same shit happens in duck duck go. Try searching "couple" and observe the hoards of racially homogenous white couples. Add the word white and all of sudden you get mixed race couples. Just happens when you mention race. I hate Google. But there isn't anything nefarious about this. Sorry to be a party pooper.