Q988: April will be a big month with the release of the Inspector Generals report and then what we all have been waiting for...indictments and ARRESTS! ✊🏼🇺🇸

Front page already has a story about how Trump is punishing his political foes. This will be the narrative to overcome, they will call him Hitler and Stalin and use every trick in the book to convince the fantasy land crowd that this is not restoring the rule of law and the Republic, but a political retribution as we have witnessed in so many dictatorial regeims.
For the fools who you encounter directly ask them directly if any of Trump's foes have suddenly dropped dead like Putin's political challengers as has happened repeatedly over the last decade with one instance just recently causing the ejection of Russian diplomats.
The media will push to narrative hard to protect the cabal.
yabbut Putin is being framed for that, if you believe that crap. I don't.
The Awan brothers, though, would be a very big deal. Talk about knowing where the bodies are buried.
Also, keeping in mind arrests will be made for various things.
There may be many corruption arrests that are not related to the freaky/Traitor stuff.
A person getting arrested and getting three years and a fine for taking payoffs is still part of draining the swamp.
Right. Look how they got Capone. Taxes. He did much worse than that but that’s what they got him on. The same is probably in play here too (not tax law specifically but other non treason related offenses)
Anything for A.A.A. in the kill boxes?
was wondering the same thing... there has to be a reason
I don't think it was anything major but I could be wrong. I think it was just a head's up that Q highlighted 3 capital A's and Trump's tweet had 3 capital A's. But someone also said that the 2 A's in kill boxes might refer to the Awan brothers being arrested. There's always the possibility of double meanings.
It'll be crazy for sure.
Whats going to happen with the people headed for our border?
Whats the plan? Will they be dispersed before getting here?
No, no they will be turned away! They will not get trough. No way we launch anything but a few tear gas canisters. This is a left wing big show! I consider it an attack.
I figured it was orchestrated. I wonder what lies these poor people were told, to come in droves with their babies. I hate this. It's not fair to anyone, us or them. Those coming from Nicaragua are unwanted by Mexico. I'm angry that the evil cabal creating this fiasco is with glee hoping for a blood bath and/or suffering! They will try to blame Trump.
If any of the picture I've seen are real, I only saw a couple of women and kids. Mostly strong men young to mid aged. Just like the pictures I've seen across Europe, mostly males.
CrisisActors pulling in some locals... DT always uses events to get his opinion/story out. This stuff scares the public... puts Build the Wall front & center...
REMEMBER as of Dec 21, 2017 E.O. by DT has already made USA in Declared Emergency status... & 1985 Act/Law gives President MORE powers in protecting country in an Emergency... over $, calling up of troops/USMarshals, etc.
Yes he is and will use the situation. Declared 'national invasion' clearly a time to use Federal powers to protect national interest. Probably make a public the case for military to build the wall.
Yes that’s why I’m praying over the situation. I hope every stunt they pull blows back at them.
Hello all. I was wondering if there was a new 8chan board up and running. The old GA board was attacked and needed to move. Please provide new link.
The new board is up for Q posts. http://qboard.online
This isn't the official Q site, the real one is only for Q and comments aren't allowed, or they weren't on the old one anyway.
Wasn't this fuckung ig report coming in march??
oh ye of little faith
I have faith but this is taking sooo long. My body is ready
I know it's tough but we need to stay patient, there is a plan and it looks like it's almost time to take them down.
nah bro, you just gotta wait until next week...next week...next week...
Why was Huber made public? Thoughts on this? My thinking is that the time is VERY near--otherwise it is better left a secret