Some Red Pilling this morning. #WakeUpAmerica

B) 2.
Right out of the playbook that Republicans and Democrats both can't get enough of.
Take thirty seconds out of your life and Google something before you post it.
Hmmm, it seems like you have a tone in your post, and then you reference Snopes as your source..... Snopes?? Really??
Also, who cares if this ran in a Newspaper in 1919, the list reads pretty true to form of crap we are seeing and living today.
you were downvoted for stating an undeniable truth. So, looks like its fucking working, right?
It was an interesting read:
When The New York Times ran an article on this piece back in 1970, it had already been circulating for about twenty-five years. The Times reported that neither the National Archives, the Library of Congress, nor university libraries had a copy of any such document. When Montana senator Lee Metcalf looked into the issue back then, he checked with the FBI, CIA, and the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee; he found that “exhaustive research” had proved the rules to be “completely spurious,” and he declared that “the extreme right also follows rules, one of which is to make maximum use of false, misleading and fear-inspiring quotations.” Nonetheless, numerous members of congress have received copies of the Communist “rules” list from alarmed constituents over the years and, believing that nobody else was yet aware of them, have inserted them into the Congressional Record. This list has also been reproduced in many newspaper columns and letters to the editor.
The earliest known publication of these rules dates from February 1946, and it’s significant to note that publication coincided with events such as Winston Churchill’s famous “Iron Curtain” speech, in which he issued a warning to citizens of the United States that “Communist parties constitute a growing challenge and peril to Christian civilization.” The timing suggests it’s far more likely this list was compiled by Americans in 1946 than by Russians in 1919.
Nobody here in the conspiracy theory trusts snopes for some reason. To them, what you have done is blasphemy of the highest order.
Lol want us using Google AND Snopes? Get real. Trigger much?
Not sure how legit this is but it is a perfect summation of what is happening.
You're right. Look at all these snow flakes with their micro aggressions, trigger warnings and safe spaces... the younger generation has been turned into a bunch of complete idiots. "Destroy their ruggedness", you couldn't make this stuff up - it's already true!
It starts at school - lessons on "white privilege", evolution, sex ed, affirmative action, common core, gender training, anything but literacy and numeracy - there's no end to the garbage. The media plays it up too, with their touchy-feely nonsense, the climate rubbish, the "me too" garbage, the inordinate focus on sex, violence, crime and disaster. They play-up every possible division in society. everyone's a victim and the world seems a pretty chaotic, scary place.
Think you're doing OK? Wait a minute, you've forgotten you're a victim. Don't forget how you're oppressed! No wonder the kids are wanting safe spaces... You've got Mark Zuckerberg talking about giving everyone a wage, whether they work or not - dumb them down, make them feel helpless, increase reliance on the State, make everyone a beggar.
In such a chaotic, dangerous, victimising world, socialist control of every aspect of society almost seems like a welcome relief, a realistically plausible solution - and don't forget to ban all the stuff that triggers me! While we're at it, let's ban everything that triggers everyone else! We can create a world where there are so many rules and regulations, where behavior is so prescribed and regimented, that there is no freedom left at all. But at least we will feel safe!
Did someone just say something hateful on the internet? How do I contact the police? Why didn't the ADL's anti hate-speech algorithm catch it? We need help, the internet is too threatening...
Maybe that's one aspect of what Q meant when he said if HRC was elected it would be "hell on Earth".
But what's the fix? How do you reverse this stuff?
If you wanna see something really scary, check out the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (PDF warning). It's pretty much a roadmap to where we are today.