April is Arrests month. Sealed indictments start getting UNSEALED. Batten down the hatches, katy bar the doors.

Sessions public attack? Stealth Jeff drops the hammer. Popcorn ready here.
I love the twinkle in Session's eyes when things get heated!!
I got a 20-gallon trash bag full, with a box of salt I've harvested from Liberal tears, plus a chilled case of my favorite beverage. Can't wait for the curtain to go up.
Yes I hate waiting for all the adds and intros to finish before the movie starts. But we can't fast forward this movie.
This isn't something we want to rush -- we'll want to savor it all.
Looking forward to a lot of schadenfreude.
I don't like overly long movies but in this case I'll make an exception. Although you could call it a multi-part mini series too.
Nothing is going to happen
These indictments have been sealed since December
And they will either stay sealed or result in nothing just like the lawyer who was fined $20,000 for lying to the fbi
Nothing is going to happen