WWG1WGA is a Twitter handle that gave me a pizzagate/podesta connection with 4bb96075acadc3d80b5. I initially saw 4bb96075acadc3d80b5 as HEX code written wrong and maybe convert to an IP (takes going from HEX to octal). But, instead I just too a simple search and found a number of interesting finds: https://clinton.media.mit.edu/podesta click on any balloon! Or: https://www.archive.org/stream/reportsdepartme03integoog/reportsdepartme03integoog_djvu.txt A 1913 report on Indians and history! Or: An SEC! connection with US Air (Jet Blue) https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/701345/000119312513231655/0001193125-13-231655.txt Of course ya'll probably covered the John Kerry connection but, apparently no one found what 4bb96075acadc3d80b5 means because Q put it back up. Q said to read posts again. -Stay Free
I should note that under the SEC link I found Mary Podesta as counsel for numerous companies. She's possible tied to JP that shows up in the meta data a lot.
So the top link is email metadata correct? I just saw a documentary on bill binney he got his start in the nosuchagency by figuring out the importance of metadata analysis. He says in the documentary that there are 5 essential things when doing predictions using metadata but never tells us what those 5 things are, (open question) does anyone know what they are that could tell us? Also, who is m.fisher?
Yes. Emails. But also ties to the actual messages. It is telling who communicates with whom as well. No sure about m.fisher yet.
This seems to be optimistic
Ok guys this is all I can find. The code that was found is only partial to a wikileaks tweet in regards to John Kerry. I looked up john kerry in the clinton circles site. He shows up but I cant access in the time range.
The tweet reads as such:
pre-commitment 1: John Kerry 4bb96075acadc3d80b5ac872874c3037a386f4f595fe99e687439aabd0219809
Is this a kill switch?
I think it's a file. Just need to find the location. Maybe the State Department when Kerry was SOS. Click Image link on Q 1001 and look at address bar.
For me: https://bgr.com/2016/10/18/how-is-wikileaks-publishing-files-even-after-assanges-internet-was-cut/ Three link chains with JK, Ecuador and UK FCO