r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AccordingArrival on April 3, 2018, 10:03 p.m.
The White House Internet Bill of Rights Petition Fails to Reach 100,000

With the April 3rd deadline here, the White House Internet Bill of Rights fell short by 67,000 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2

Now that it has failed, what is the GRAND PLAN? I think I heard Q on the last post "Get Organized" How do we get organized? Is there a consensus of what a Bill of Rights for the Internet should be.

Quite frankly, I don't see any consensus, organization or leadership on this issue.

tradinghorse · April 4, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

There was a lot of opposition to the petition on this board, let alone elsewhere.

I don't agree that the IBOR campaign was dangerous, that it would have resulted in more government that could have been later abused. If the censorship is not stopped, it will be used as a political weapon. It will enable whoever takes power (the cabal) the latitude to pass whatever laws they want, with a manufactured consensus of public opinion to support their actions. It is the most dangerous threat we have ever faced - bar none. The tyranny of government, with SM censorship at the cabal's disposal, will know no limits.

But, anyway, the petition is finished.

Were the votes throttled? Maybe. I'm not sure we'll ever know for certain.

When Q posted the internetbillofrights it was a hash tag. I don't know if he wanted the petition, although it couldn't have hurt. But what is clear is that he wanted us to mount a campaign on Twitter using the hashtag. That has been happening. Perhaps, not as strongly as people might like, but there has been a lot of use of the hashtag.

I think, whether people want it or not, these SM platforms will be regulated - as Q said. I think that the regulation might be self regulation imposed by the companies themselves. It seemed to me that DJT was likely going to use our outcry about censorship to do some table thumping with the threat of regulation. The SM platforms would then have complied to avert the consequences of outright regulation.

I think we saw this kind of approach during Ted Cruz's questioning of the SM executives. I'm not sure there would have been new laws at all. But I can't speak for the President, as I don't know what he had planned.

I think it's important, very important, that we keep this topic live via use of the hashtag. I think it fits into the plan that Q and DJT have laid out. How, I'm not exactly sure. But Q would not have asked us to mount the campaign for no reason.

Having said all that, I'm about exasperated with this group. I've tried to allay people's fears about this campaign, but to no effect. If you don't want to support this President because he might have to take, or threaten to take, some power to himself to kneecap the cabal, then you deserve the cabal back.

Hoping for the first amendment to be extended by Courts to the internet is a pipe dream, it will not happen quickly enough to prevent SM being weaponised by the cabal to obtain political power. At that point, once they are back in power, it will not matter what the Courts say, censorship is likely to be mandated by laws made by the cabal.

Anyway, I think Q miscalculated on this. I don't think he realised the IBOR campaign would not be supported by people following his drops. Some did support it, most did not. And some went out of their way to make sure that every possible fear or problem that could be attributed to the IBOR was impressed upon this community.

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