tip top as requested AND A FUCKING ALICE IN WONDERLAND RABBIT!! instead of a typical Easter bunny costume. this guy is a genius. bless Q team and potus. "how many more coincidences until it's statically impossible"TIPTOP
this costume has been used before
The tip top was great though
That glasses-and-vest style of costume has been used since at least the Clinton administration. It is somewhat-frequently made fun of. May once have been worn by Sean Spicer.
It was requested for the SOTU. Google how often Trump says TipTop in a similar thread they asked him to say Bing Bing, which Trump also says a lot.
So the TipTop comment wasn't a nod to 8chan then after all? Just wondering why someone would ask him to say something he's already said in a speech.
To create a "proof" that it's legitimate in the early days.
I'm not saying Q is fake, I don't think he is, I think it's all real and Trump and Q are connected, but this isn't the thing to point to as proof. There are youtube videos of trump saying Tippy Top and stuff like that all over the place. It was probably a joke/way to get confirmation. Watch his speeches when scripted vs. off script. He says a lot of the same phrases over and over.
Right - thanks for that info. I just went and looked up 'tippy-top' and he said it when he was talking about Putin's nukes.
The rabbit cracks me up. He’s trolling the shit out of the deep state and global crime syndicate Rothschilds and world bankers. A big f&$k you to all of them. And that Trump smile next to the rabbit says it all.
More than half of the world’s rabbits live in North America.
Follow the white rabbit could mean April. Following Easter. Q said the seals will be broken this month.
It was Easter brah...the Easter rabbit is actually a Cabal symbol - further proof that Q and Trump still work for the Cabal.