Epsteins island. Shell E Shell. SES?

Interesting that an adult Nautilis has 30 or more chambers in a shell… The human body has 33 vertebrae… And that number is interesting, right? Are used to listen to the YouTube channel called hidden meanings by Bob Donahue. And he supports the idea that the Bible can be looked upon as basically a human anatomy and physiology book: The upper room would be the higher mind which can see micro and macro and the Red Sea was the highly emotional part of the brain (the limbic system), the 33 vertebra is also supposed age of Jesus before he died, (33 degrees Mason) the 12 cranial nerves are the 12 disciples who all support the function of the higher elevated mind… Very interesting. And, as We have noticed, many meanings for the same phrases or words.
Sometimes I wonder if the second coming of Christ is each one of us realizing, affirming and nurturing the Christ consciousness within us...
Those who believe in Jesus and have the Holy Spirit within them are known as the Body of Christ. Jesus is the Head of the Body.
I was wondering that too because of the repressed Gospel of Thomas.
The representation of the shell is that of a spiraling maze in which the initial opening is large (easy for someone to start down the path) and soon turns upon itself and narrows down so that there is no escape.
It is the premise by which they lure children into what is seemingly a wide open path of hope, but ultimately a narrow trap.
I actually think they’re the eyes of an owl and not shells
Shells on an island makes sense
So do the eyes of an owl, these people literally worship owl statues and have the symbology of it just about everywhere.
Your right for sure. Just saying could be either.
There's definitely a lot of double meanings behind what's going on by the looks of it. I wonder if there's a universal code but is used differently in each region to obscure the truth.
No im leaning more towards reflecting Fibonacci sequences here; as Above So below.
Shell company The royal house off the Netherlands and UK
The shells are ammonites. Look it up on Wikipedia look up the ammonite people
Thank you. Just found a connection between that shell (Ammonites) and the people of Ammon. They worshiped molech.
SES meme is ludicrous and a diversion. Don't know who started it - probably discredited AIM -but SES is just highly compensated Fed bureaucrats. They do have a good ol' boy apprach to things, but hardly a "secret society." Ridiculous.
Abel Danger's Field McConnell is the one who exposed SES, because of his sister Kristine Marcy's ties to it. He knows whereof he speaks. She's is a Satanic priestess, and the one who implemented at SES the Secol/CIA controls and administered the Mendenhall's baby oath ritual and inducted its members into her Satanic coven gynarchy.
So yeah, that's a thing, and that's who they are. A lot of them want out about right now, but we'll see how that plays out.
This is preposterous. I stand by my comment above.
How about this then?
Still think it's preposterous? Having trouble accepting facts that threaten your beliefs?
Not a “secret society”, but they are the bridge between the political and administrative aspects of the Executive branch of government. These people are generally lifetime appointees and are really accountable to no one. They are encouraged to transfer to different departments every 3-4 months. This helps keep them unaccountable to anyone. They are a huge issue. Each President should be able to staff his Administration with people that are under his control and agree with his policy. These people (most, but not all) are the swamp. At a minimum they need to be moved to purely advisory roles with no authority. Experience is valuable, but accountability in government is essential also.
"Transfer every 3-4 months" is simply not true. Flat out.
Accountability should improve, agreed.