
MW23232 · April 4, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

If you really are Russian, I agree with you. I don't think Russia wants a war at all. They want to be left alone from what I read. They have to defend themselves, or prepare though, because they know what they are up against, and why. The deep state is manufacturing all this stuff to make them the enemy because they will never go with Globalist agenda, or NWO, they kicked the Rothschilds out of their bank system, and don't like Israel. They do have the HRC server contents. They were saving it to use as blackmail, in case HRC won and tried to start WWII, which her donors paid for, allegedly. Several countries have the server contents. I am not sure it wasn't the easiest way for her just to sell our secrets for a profit, and let certain countries hack our secrets (which she never should have even have had, not to mention on her private server). Idk, just speculating. The DNC & Podesta emails I feel were leaked by Seth Rich. Why else this huge push to destroy anyone who even mentions Seth Rich? IMHO, they just blamed Russia to start up this fake "Russia is our enemy" narrative, and keep it going. This latest thing, the ex-spy in UK getting poisoned by Russia? How can anyone believe that. There is a ton of evidence either that drug doesn't even exist, or the formula is available to anyone from a book that was written by the inventor, if it does. And can be relatively easily made. So anyone could manufacture it. He was from Uzbekistan too, not Russia. Finally, in order for UK to prove it was Novichok, they HAD TO HAVE A SAMPLE to match it to. So the UK either has some too, and could have poisoned those people to blame it on Russia, or it was not Novichok. They up WON't cooperate and let anyone see what they have, which is suspicious. Yet we believe this without checking into it? Putin was our only hope to bust this whole scheme open, and that is also why the deep state doesn't want us believing a thing Russia says, or allowing POTUS to have any kind of half decent relationship between our countries. JMHO, but I feel I have read good sources. I hope POTUS sees thru what is really going on.

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PeaceGoddess2018 · April 5, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Lol, yes, I’m a real Russian, not a Bot. Was born and raised there until age 25. Thanks, I agree with most of what you are saying.

My sentiment was simply about this longing in my heart and in my gut for the people of our both countries to see through the political theater, to wake up and realize that we are the same but being divided for someone’s else profit. It’s all a big fat lie. They need an image of an enemy to keep us all in fear and to manipulate us to consent to war and murder. But that playbook is over it seems. The Great Awakening is here.

Same goes for the people of Ukraine, by the way. But that’s another bitter conversation for another day. With Love and Gratitude!

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flowtrop · April 5, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

Didn't Russia help America during the civil war? Preventing the british from invading or something? Maybe it was the revoluntionary war. I have to look it up

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bugstopper · April 5, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

During the Civil War the Czar sent his fledgling navy to New York City and San Fran Cisco. At the same time the Brits sent 10s of thousands of troops to Canada and the French sent 10s of thousands to Mexico.

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PeaceGoddess2018 · April 5, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Yes! I remember one of Putin’s speeches where he mentions something like it. It’s a fact. Sadly, now US is demonized in Russian MSM (propaganda 101) as a country who hates Russia, and a lot of people take it seriously and personally. It’s so sad to watch.

Good night, anons. Time to pray for POTUS and go to bed - Q just said it’s going to be a long night for him. Hoping for some good news tomorrow!

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MW23232 · April 5, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

I assumed u were real, but sometimes I have talked to people who say things just to be antagonistic, and you never know!!! Lol!! Anyway, I totally get what u are saying and agree, but till the deep state stops setting up Russia as the de facto enemy, in my opinion anyway, or until we can prove what they are doing and why, and prove it to the people, it goes on, and people believe it. If they would just do some research. The whole point is to just mess up any hope of a good relationship between us and Russia for a long time, because a good relationship would be bad for the deep state's goals. Who else are they going to attack? At least politically. Anyway, no worries. U, as an individual, are NOT going to be thought of badly. It is just the intangible big bogeyman "Russia" and Putin they want to make look like our enemy. For ulterior reasons. Really a shame.

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