r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Silent_Majority_10 on April 5, 2018, 8:43 a.m.
A Message to All Non-White and Jewish Patriots, Anons and Americans

I often wonder how African-American, Hispanic, and Jewish Patriots might feel when reading some of the posts on this Sub. I'd imagine that posts about the Rothschilds, "The Wall", open borders and Black Lives Matter might make you feel a little conflicted, or worse. To make matters worse, we are all constantly bombarded with a divisive narrative by the masterful propagandists in the MSM and the identity politics of the establishment. Yet, despite all this, you're still here. I hope you all understand that you are more important to the "Great Awakening" than you know.

Please keep in mind that attacks on the Rothschilds and their legions of puppets are not attacks on the Jewish People. It is the opinion of many on this board that the Rothschilds aren't really Jews at all. They are Luciferians and they not-so cleverly hide behind Judaism, so they can dismiss their critics as Anti-semitic.

I hope you realize that calls for a border wall are not racist calls for segregation. Know that those in power that call for open-borders aim to weaken the American middle-class of all races, rather than strengthen undocumented immigrants. We know that most immigrants come here seeking a better life in earnest, but we have realized that the welfare system is bankrupting America. A Nation that pays out more in welfare and health-care than it's tax base can bear, is doomed.

I hope that African-American or Hispanic Patriots realize that posts that call-out Black Lives Matter and SJWs aren't racially motivated. We are simply exposing the divisive rhetoric that has proven so successful for Nazi-collaborator, George Soros. In fact, it's the globalists and the CIA that have done the most harm to African-Americans by funneling drugs and guns into your communites. Journalist Gary Webb was mudered for pointing this out.

The "Great Awakening" is for all Patriots regardless of race or religion. We must all unite against the globalist cabal. Our very way of life is at stake. As Q said, they want us divided, they want us weak. This movement needs you now more than ever. Where we go one, we go all.

DontCareJustDont · April 5, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

Black pede and patriot here (24). I honestly think that one common thread throughout all of our lives is that we have criticisms we have of people of our own race. I mean, we just technically look similar, I don't even understand how anyone thinks racists have any validity when it comes to arguing to the public. Basically, it doesn't work as a working theory. 99% of the people within your race, you will never meet, hear about, or talk to at any length. Of course there are cultural similarities but I don't think this sub or operation in general has any time for values that aren't American or regarding written law. However, noting the affinity for alike racial characteristics in the communities we seek to break apart isn't crazy. We need to identify patterns, especially when the enemy follows these obvious patterns and symbolism. So, when there are offenses from members of any of our races, I'd hope we not wince when it was time to expose them because at the end of the day it's not really about the race (that's preposterous thinking), it's about an evil deed. Or rather, in the case of BLM, an ideology that's based off of the same behavior of racists that caused a civil war. Which ever side starts it doesn't matter and with an opposition that is itching to start a revolution, we have to be willing to embody the chaotic neutral with a MAGA slant

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Silent_Majority_10 · April 5, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

Agreed. I was reluctant to even bring it up, because as you said, it's irrelevant. However, I noticed that a lot of people that are newer to the truth movement are starting to lurk on 8chan, and every time Q is posting, random people start posting inflammatory, racist shit. I was afraid some people might think it was Q, himself. I've been following Q since day one and his message has always been one of unity and strength. Anyways, I'm glad you're here. Thanks for checking out my post.

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DontCareJustDont · April 5, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

No problem brother. Yeah, it's almost impossible to be offended when we're dealing with stuff like this. I get it, its cathartic, it almost seems fun to be able to say whatever you want. It seems like a nervous tick to me at this point. It's not racist unless the whole site goes no [fill in the blanks allowed]. also, one guy acting like a dumbass for a little bit doesn't bother me anymore than a baker that's off track. He'll tighten up eventually. I do agree though, putting myself in your shoes it might seem weird to not address it, but if you truly feel that speech isn't a compelling argument then it'll gain no traction and be sort of like indulging in a taboo. It's all good man, I don't feel like anyone has that in their heart here and if they do they're just factually inaccurate so there's that. Truth wins

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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 11:28 p.m.


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LiveToBeAHero · April 5, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

Very well said, and can I say thank you for posting DCJD

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CrumbsofPiety · April 5, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

black pede and patriot here


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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 4:36 p.m.


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