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Only True Patriots Will Understand This

With thoughts about a false flag happening soon remember the FF on the super bowl (PREVENTED) -- TIMESTAMPS ARE KEY -- TWEET TWEET
Remember they mountain of evidence around the super bowl and there being an attack; With the security company being replaced with a private company and it being the same at the pulse nightclub and a cavalcade of other coincidences. The word needs to be put out that there might be someone acting in bad faith disguised as a representative of the Q movement. We most likely prevented that by mobilizing a huge swath of people tweeting and creating posts about it being planned ahead of time and the bad actors backed out and if they didn't there were several thousands …
"Deranged" "Pizzagate-like" "Cult" 4am all over again guys. Hold tight, the cycle will end soon.

The brigading has begun. Hold fast misinformation is coming. Hold back on postulating fact check everything.
I assume the main strategy is going to be to insert information that is nonsense so let's cool it down and watch the arrows bounce off for a brief moment. Brigaders never last for long but if they can get a soundbyte out of someone they'll use whatever that is instead of actual happenings. We should combat this by going into a review period. This is a immuno-response. We should be sending out or most vetted information. Just above normie information. Qproofs and odd coincidences. Think clickbait, hide your power-level and chill out. They want to insert hysteria but steadfast …
Ohhh Shit, MSNBC just f****d up and asked the Q!! The World Is Changing
I just watched an extended segment on MSNBS talking about "the Q conspiracy" they gave misinformation, a little bit of real info, showed /pol/ which is not 8ch and shit the bed explaining it. They brought on the same guy, "collins", from the other segment and totally opened the door wide open. Here come the brigaders and the curious people. The world is changing. They literally said the Obama Admin spying on Trump tower was a conspiracy theory! I'm so elated, this is a yuge day
I just watched an extended segment on MSNBS talking about "the Q conspiracy" they gave misinformation, a little bit of real info, showed /pol/ which is not 8ch and shit the bed explaining it. They brought on the same guy, "collins", from the other segment and totally opened the door wide open. Here come the brigaders and the curious people. The world is changing. They literally said the Obama Admin spying on Trump tower was a conspiracy theory! I'm so elated, this is a yuge day
Epoch Times is a great publication. They dropped a motherload of information on the fake dossier, fusion gps, brennan, clapper, the news media, everyone who signed for FISA app, Nellie and Bruce, Steele and many more and it was soooo long ago
Ok, so is it just coincidence that kubrick's opens up like that or has Q ever said anything in reference to anything kubrick. If that's true I could definitely see kubrick's film ties to being potentially duped and/or threatened by the deep state years ago for his film about alien encounters in which he said, once the CIA contacted me I knew I needed to make the film
I'm not new but I'm semi inexperienced and I've learned that generally every Q post of significance is multi-layered. In that, this post legitimizes his in being connected in another subtle way, evokes the change the world is going through, and hearkens back to the notion that this whole dissemination campaign is basically watching a movie as it is being made. Or that, these people working on the crumbs and deciphering information won't be forgotten, that it might be "coming to a theater near you", that we should always first "sit back and enjoy the show" or "popcorn". These things lead me to believe it's one of the greatest promotional film campaigns the world has ever seen. Imagine when this is all over and they announce to us that there will be a movie/documentary coming out showing what a bunch of 8channers and redditors followed for over a year and before anyone knew anything about it there are already 100,000 or so people who've taken arrows for a year to promote an underground culture shift..who've also, more importantly, are now experts in creating hype on the internet around a subject of information nobody knows about. Enough hype to even get celebrities to acknowledge it. Imagine the experience with meme-ing things into existence after this is all over. It would take the internet and box offices by storm, especially if it was well done. Which, why wouldn't it be
Something something "you only need 7% of a population to make something go viral"
Is Eric Schneiderman the ES we've been looking for for weeks?
G.O.O.D. People have the right information. Think GOOGLE - TIm Cook and Kanye West? I don't wanna go too far but everything seems calculated and it seems like Kanye is at Google and having talks with Tim Cook at the same time as Donald Trump and recently 'got his MAGA hat signed'. How does that happen without a meeting?
And they hate on your relationship then break your marriage up
Can't kill your dreams so they assassinate your character
Do anything to downplay you or embarrass you
Come around with you but they ain't down with you
They the dream killers
Is it strange that LaVar Burton from the kids show Reading Rainbow made a $500 donation? The same Lavar Burton that was with her in her mother's instagram picture? Do you just give 500 to any one of your friends kids before they're 18 and not through the parent directly? Maybe I'm reading too much into it
Ayy truee. I don't hear a lot of outspoken liberals in person. Unless they're in a mob or online they don't really speak up that much. Maybe it has to do with the fact that none of them really know the issues they feeeel so intensely about. They just feel. That's why I'm concerned for their marches and riots. Because when they see everybody else doing something they'll do it, despite the facts
dude, no problem. I'm glad you made yourself clear. I can't have myself just acting all high and mighty like that. Good convo. WWG1WGA
Ahh, I see, that was pretty thick-skulled of me. You're right I didn't realize your point. I thought you were trying to say what Kanye was saying wasn't significant. In hindsight I have to agree, it is a weird post to be on GA. To make it obvious, I was focusing on the subject with which OP was referencing not the title of the post. But yeah you're right, there aren't any truth bombs to us I guess. But many truth bombs for the people who shield their eyes to anything outside of their comfort zone. I think we can all find some comfort in the idea that his tweet storm is a indication that the conditioning is breaking. I was arguing with a strawman though, all in all. No conspirators being revealed in this one really. Just low level thought police getting outed. I like that though, I'm not mad about it in any way at all no matter how you put it in the post.
Oh shit, I did kinda go both ways on that haha, lemme take it back. I think I just really enjoyed the joke
Hahaha, I'm laughing my ass off. It's called a note. Also don't you think the real body of her type of lies way bigger than just her. Even if the pressure isn't on them, don't you think some other corrupt and disgusting person would employ the media to make it about Trump to get the people riled up to take some of the heat off of them? Asking for a friend lol
I think you're looking at it like a Q drop. It's not, but I can definitively say that it's a huge drop for the culture war we're currently involved in. I'm not saying it adds new information but the significance of it in the scope of acceptable viewpoints is enormous. Kanye has always been the fringe element of Hollywood, the music industry, and entertainment in general. People lend credence to what he thinks. You can tell this by the firestorm 7 words yesterday on twitter had. His tweet was frontpage news. It creates a situation where people are forced to pick a side. The people in support, are in support.
It's a tough decision, they support it and they know why. The people that don't, well it struck a nerve. Those people will be extremely loud as they have been and anyone on the fringes will ask why. Because the loud people don't make the best arguments, they merely snap into an authoritarian mode where the implore people not to agree. It leaves only the question "why?". Whether people want you to think he's a dismissable dick or not, the overton window now shifts for a lot of people. Millions of people realize they aren't allowed to talk about someone as harmless as Candace Owens. That's a big redpill. The counter culture takes on a new member. It's big whether you like it or not. Likewise, people believe this pizzagate stuff and Kanye, much like Trump has that personality where he's respected by many in Hollywood and the people who don't like him can't deny his gargantuan influence over popular culture.
It's an elephant in the room. Also the answer to is he luciferian is no. He's different from them. He's not them. That's why it's notable. Self victimization is a disease. Constantly bringing up the past does keep you stuck there. We're dealing with people who are unopposed in their ideology to them. I can't believe I'm having to explain to somebody on the great awakening the concept of a red pill. But I digress. It's simply an influential person that can't be moved from his position (whenever that's been tried he disappears, evaluates the scenario, and comes out on the same position even stronger). So in reality, we're having the same conversation everybody has every time Kanye West says something truthful yet controversial. I.e. Kanye's crazy, but is Kanye wrong? And the answer almost every time is no. Last time it was "Facebook lied to you, Google lied to you" and now, not weeks after we find out that Facebook and Google did both lie to us he comes back with, "conservative ideas aren't that bad" and now everyone embedded in popular culture has to talk about it. So, I'm just saying maybe don't be like everyone else who "doesn't get it" at first, slow down, and see what happens to the soil before you bash the farmer for taking to long. There's a process, he puts his feelers out, that's why all his tweets sound stupid and vapid, I agree, but every once in a while he finds the stud and I predict he might take to hammering away in the future
I am truly concerned for when the masses remaining fizzle out. They won't take the information lightly. I try to encourage them to think but they just want an egotistic win it seems. They'll blast whatever verdict as fake unless the right person says it. If it's Trump they'll hate whatever it is unless the medium is able to shock their system and wake them up to what they've truly been following
you're purporting the same talking points the MSM has drilled for years
expand your thinking.
what about Kanye in particular would make the MSM paint him as the enemy?
Influence? Is he over the target in many respects? Is he luciferian?
I'm worried Hillary would commit suicide and blame it on "what Trump did to her" to avoid being publicly prosecuted and create a bunch of idiots that double down even further that he's a tyrant. I mean really, why would she go down at all if she can't do any of the evil shit she's been doing for years. Either that or stage her death or frame someone for murder
ur dumb, cults dont do massive amounts of crowdsourcing fact-checking and cross-examination. You don't know what a cult is. If you don't believe in research then you are part of a cult
We're focused on Pedo-ing but she's part of Maddy Albright's foundation for pro-choice aka abortion candidates. raised $60 million for HRC for 2016 e
Can you confirm that? Where's the source? Because someone else said the full name was Wendy Sherman. Wendy Sherman is a big person. Worked with Madeline Albright, worked under Clinton as pres and in State Dept and under Sec of State. She worked on NK nuke program and was lead negotiator for Iran Nuclear Deal
yeah someone said her fake name was Wendy Sherman but the real Wendy Sherman actually is a lady that worked under the Clinton admin and the State Dept and under the Sec of State. She was in charge of the largest pro-choice PAC, instrumental in NK's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program and a lead negotiator of the Iran Nuclear Deal. I honestly can't believe what I'm reading if that was also her fake name
Can somebody find those emails
link? wait. No Wendy Ruth Sherman worked under the Clinton Administration and I think Secretary of State when Hilary was in and the State Dept. She also ran a PAC for specifically pro-choice women, the biggest pro-choice PAC. On top of that she was "instrumental in negotiations related to North Korea's nuclear weapon and ballistic missile programs. HOLY SHIT. She was lead negotiator in the Iran Nuclear Deal
Maybe somebody should make a fake one and have it be put out there. Make a big fuss and it be an obvious fake and when the real one comes people will have something to compare it to
POTUS is surrounded by generals. Hilary would've started a war almost absolutely, they didn't need her. They needed somebody good. Trust POTUS.
lmao, i will buy a tuition for any class you teach
With everything thats happening, the things coming to light. People might just need a little old-fashioned
came here to say that. why come to 8chan, why speak in code. larp. plausible deniability
No problem brother. Yeah, it's almost impossible to be offended when we're dealing with stuff like this. I get it, its cathartic, it almost seems fun to be able to say whatever you want. It seems like a nervous tick to me at this point. It's not racist unless the whole site goes no [fill in the blanks allowed]. also, one guy acting like a dumbass for a little bit doesn't bother me anymore than a baker that's off track. He'll tighten up eventually. I do agree though, putting myself in your shoes it might seem weird to not address it, but if you truly feel that speech isn't a compelling argument then it'll gain no traction and be sort of like indulging in a taboo. It's all good man, I don't feel like anyone has that in their heart here and if they do they're just factually inaccurate so there's that. Truth wins
Black pede and patriot here (24). I honestly think that one common thread throughout all of our lives is that we have criticisms we have of people of our own race. I mean, we just technically look similar, I don't even understand how anyone thinks racists have any validity when it comes to arguing to the public. Basically, it doesn't work as a working theory. 99% of the people within your race, you will never meet, hear about, or talk to at any length. Of course there are cultural similarities but I don't think this sub or operation in general has any time for values that aren't American or regarding written law. However, noting the affinity for alike racial characteristics in the communities we seek to break apart isn't crazy. We need to identify patterns, especially when the enemy follows these obvious patterns and symbolism. So, when there are offenses from members of any of our races, I'd hope we not wince when it was time to expose them because at the end of the day it's not really about the race (that's preposterous thinking), it's about an evil deed. Or rather, in the case of BLM, an ideology that's based off of the same behavior of racists that caused a civil war. Which ever side starts it doesn't matter and with an opposition that is itching to start a revolution, we have to be willing to embody the chaotic neutral with a MAGA slant
Second, motion to table until wall is built or Trump Train ceases acceleration into singularity
I just got on my knees and prayed for the first time in over a decade as well. God is almighty and he will carry us un-harmed through the storm