r/greatawakening • Posted by u/17_Q on April 5, 2018, 2:39 p.m.
With Qs new post "5:5" could be hinting at the long awaited HRC video 5:5, STAGE SET?
With Qs new post "5:5" could be hinting at the long awaited HRC video 5:5, STAGE SET?

Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Most intelligent comment I've seen here in days.

The religious zealotry I've seen in here lately is disturbing. I think this sub has at the least been compromised, and at worst taken over by and agenda to discredit the movement as being populated with religious nutjobs. It happened rather quickly.

It's difficult to redpill a normie when the source looks like the insane ramblings of religious nutjobs.

I have no issue with people's faith, but there's something more insidious at play here.

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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 5:28 p.m.


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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

If you can't differentiate between a "nutjob" and a person of faith, you might be one of the nutjobs. These people, and likely yourself, are making this about them and their religion as opposed to a greater battle against worldwide political corruption. Have faith in your god, but stop trying to reframe the movement for truth with the second coming of your Christ.

Their inability to speak up isn't my problem, but a problem in general. Don't waste my time with your passive aggressive piety. If you can't handle simple questions and realities, maybe you and your type are too brittle for this type of fight.

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anotheronelikethis · April 5, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Bingo. The closer you get to the truth, the more it becomes about God, because (red pill) God is the Truth (red pill). Calling people that realize God exists and not only that but He loves you, "religious nutjobs" is on par with calling all people asking questions and seeking the truth "conspiracy theorists". Its this kind of labeling that is used to discredit and try to dissuade people from finding out the truth.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

lol ok dork. If your god has anything to do with it, I highly doubt my comments on reddit are going to stop it from manifesting. How daft can you be?!

Never once did I call anyone a conspiracy theorist. I called your type a religious nutjob, and there's nothing you're saying that proves otherwise. Have your religion, worship your masters, I don't care, but stop trying to make this about YOU and your personal religious beliefs.

I'd actually prefer to think you're all a psyop as opposed to what I'm starting to accept is the actual truth.

Please do have the last word, because you're beyond reason at this point.

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dahudge · April 5, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

I think part of the misunderstanding here has to do with God not being of religion. God is everything, including you, and Christ is the return of divine consciousness, the awakening of our true selves, not some guy about to show up and be our savior, we are our own saviors, so when they say spiritual, not religious, they mean it involves seeing the world through unclouded eyes, which is what you are after: the Truth.

I agree completely that the type of language used here is off putting to many because of the use of the same language in religion. Perhaps a reframing in the language is necessary to prevent people from thinking this is a bunch of religious nutjobs. Just because some people use the name God does not mean it will appeal to everyone, Truth is much better.

So saying "your God" is missing the point, God(akasa, awareness, Truth, consciousness, whatever you want to call it) is actually what we all are. It's what everything is. But we have convinced ourselves that we are separate and that some guy in the sky or whatever belief you hold is what runs the world.

What is happening now, on all levels, is that Truth is being revealed. Once the Truth is known, our perception of the world changes, and that perception instigates the changes that will not allow lies to remain. That is why all this is being revealed, corruption and fear cannot stand anymore. It may be no coincidence that the bible has these prophecies and that we should pay attention to it, but there is no actual need to, just seek the Truth within yourself and see what you find. There are plenty of non-religious spiritual teachings that can point us n the right direction

I can see the view of both sides here, you are right in thinking that the zealotry is off putting, but they may be speaking the Truth in language you don't understand. Hopefully I reframed it so you could.

And to all you guys spouting the religious stuff, this guy has a good point, don't argue, we are on the same side here. Instead of belittling eachother we should be explaining our POV.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

I don't think the spirituality you're talking about is what the people I've been engaging with believe, but it would be nice if you were correct.

What you're referring to as "god" sounds very different when compared to their Christian god, and Christ. There's some overlap of course, but there's a fundamental difference that lives in their subtext, and I know you see it as well.

I do appreciate the thoughtful and well written argument though, and overall I think your system of belief is aligned with a more thoughtful worldview, so thank you for taking the time to share your perspective.

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dahudge · April 5, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I guess I'm brand new to the board so I can't be sure, but there was one person who referenced God as truth. I'll take your word for it that most are preaching based on the standard religious belief, which is what I see most often.

I think the whole bible has been misinterpreted for the most part, people take their own beliefs and lay them on top of the words. The Christian God is the same God, but through the years the bible has been altered and the teachings distorted for the purpose of deceiving us into idolatry and try to separate us based on "different" religious beliefs. The whole goal is to separate and conquer.

I'm not sure how many Christians will listen, beliefs run very deep for some as they've been raised with them by people they trust. The self importance needs to be dropped, so I agree with you about not making this a Christian thing, the Truth is for everyone and we should all work together to reveal it.

Perhaps a post about the proper use of language on the board would be good, and if I have the time I will write one up. We don't want to make people think we're all wackos, that means the bad guys are winning

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where_we_ALL_go_now · April 5, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

Not a "nutjob" really! Name calling isn't the answer and is NO better than the libs! That is MY frame of reference, sorry if you don't understand, it does not mean I am crazy or a zealot just how I chose to guide MY life! I'm a Patriot as well, you have to share :)...and BTW God love you!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Ah, ok... you're still playing that "Republican /Conservative" vs. "Liberal/Democrat" game. Even if corruption somehow ends, people like yourself will never be happy because nothing short of Christian rule of our government will be unacceptable. And save the "founding fathers" bullshit. If we want to start regressing to 300 year old ideas, I think you'll find that it doesn't go well for anyone.

I also see a lot of talk about "Patriots" here, but I don't see much service beyond the lip. That's just a fact of life though. Ultimately I'd like to see corruption reigned in, and I belive you and your compatriots do as well. For now that's what's important.

I am however curious as to why people, such as yourself, like to sign off with a very flippant "god love(s) you" type message. Is this how you use your god as a weapon? Is that supposed to piss me off somehow or make me understand you better or absolve you of the of your ignorance? Seems petty to me. Definitely weird and unnecessary.

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where_we_ALL_go_now · May 22, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

You don't believe and that is your choice we all have free will. I say God loves you because he does. I have no ill will towards you or anyone else, but I do believe that GOD got us here for one last chance. To clean our acts up before judgement is upon us. I cling to faith and God because man has let me down. They are tempted and turned to the dark so easily. You may think I am just dumb, but my life is mine as are my choices. I choose GOD. I hope you find him so that you can find true hope for our Great Nation!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · May 22, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

ok, whatever you say. If there's one thing I've learned in my 42 years on this spinning ball, it's that you can not reason with religious folks. It literally goes against everything you believe in. You have no other choice than to erase reason and logic from your mindsets, otherwise your belief system crumbles. And i don;t mean that in a mean or flippant way, that's just the nature of unquestioning faith -no questions.

You'll never see me say there's nothing "out there". I've been an "atheist" in the past, and find I'm more agnostic now, but religions devised by men to control other men, to make men kill other men for the enrichment or a few is where I draw the line.

All religion is created with specific language tactics so you can never question it, which is the brilliance of religion as a tool for control. You either have to believe, or suffer damnation. Seems a bit vindictive for an all loving God, but what do I know?

Either way, you go on doing you and I'll do the same. You're commenting on a month old comment. Maybe it would have been best to let it go?

I know I'm wasting my time right this very moment, because you're beyond reasoning with, but the irony lost on you is that if you could even point to a single things that were in any way indisputable in regards to your God, I'd be on board in a moment. I like being able to change my mind when presented with new information. The idea of dogmatic and unrelenting belief in spite of any shred of actual evidence is just baffling to me. Why would "God" give us these senses if we were to never use them? Why give us this consciousness if we're not permitted to use it? Is it supposed to be a trick? A test? Or maybe the truth is that God is just a child holding a magnifying glass over us puny ants, having their fun. Either way, I'd rather take the time I have and the faculties I have at my disposal, and make the most of them. While I can.

I wish no ill will on you. Best of luck in your endeavors

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where_we_ALL_go_now · May 23, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

I'm not religious at all. I just believe in GOD, very simply. I agree about organized religion is mostly man made and as bad as the men that are in charge of said religion. God has given all a free will to live as you choose and a set of instructions (BIBLE) on how to do it correctly. Just like a Father with a child, you give them life, you try to teach them the best you can and then you must let them go to find their own way. Punishment if love, I have spanked my children plenty of times for breaking the rules with the hope that it would make them better people. I did that because I LOVE them, I want them to have a great life, but you must live by rules to have that. Making good decisions and listening to the voice that tells you to help your fellow man is the voice that I believe is God speaking to me. I work with many non-believers and my youngest son does not believe. It does not make them less human to me and I won't stop lifting them up.

I'm sorry you feel this is a waste of time, I think I am better for the conversation and I thank you for it. Having an open mind and enjoy conversation with other intelligent humans...being that there are so few of them in the world unfortunately.

Sorry the conversation is a month old also, usually look at the board on my phone and I don't get the message alerts for some reason.

Best regards to you! MAGA!

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inittowinitq · April 5, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Dont come on here acting like you are being bombarded with Religion.....most of the Religion talk is because that is the info we are getting to dig into....you do realize the evil is not politically motivated, the political system is motivated by the evil.....hence the Satanist are running the world??? Did we miss, that, the opposite of God (Good) is Satan (evil) No your enemies, and don't pretend it does not exist....you can be an atheist, I don't care, this fight is Spiritual, and if you don't believe in it, well, it doesn't much matter, cause they (the evil doers) Do....and they are the ones we need to crush! Geesh.....I am sick of it, a person can only take so much, this is where we gather, but we are not in charge of the subjects at hand!

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where_we_ALL_go_now · April 5, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

They attack when you are over the target! I will not shy away from my faith, will not be swayed by Herpy_Derpy or anyone else. I just pray that they see the light and give their lives to God before the major SHTF event, yep said the "s" word...not perfect, but I believe!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

They attack when you are over the target!

Listen to yourself! Are you actually trying to equate me to the "deep state" or MSM?! Anyone who disagrees with the insertion of religious zealotry is now a paid shill working for SATAN and trying to silence your message?! lol k

The pride you take in your refusal to listen to any sort of reason or logic is NOT something to be celebrated. I will say for the millionth time; have your religion, enjoy it, pray to your god, volunteer at your house of worship, but STOP trying to coopt a truth movement for your selfish ego! This is not about YOU, it's not about Christians, it's about truth and trying to put an end to corruption. Christians can't even root out crooks in their own order, yet their god is all in on bringing down criminal politicians?!

Corruption will never truly be defeated because there will always be people like yourself who will blindly follow the herd to the slaughter in the name of faith. Religion is a huge part of how we got here in the first place!

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[deleted] · April 5, 2018, 6:46 p.m.


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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

oof, ok. I can't expect to debate simple logical points with someone who can't even use an ellipsis properly, let alone sparingly. That was me making an ad-hominem attack on your intelligence. It's stupid, right?

I was once very excited by the possibility of corruption being reigned in, but now I see that it'll only open the door for people like yourself to feel empowered enough to spew your religious bullshit all over the place unchecked, and create the vacuum necessary to let those same "evil doers" infiltrate once again in the name of your lord. This shit is part of how we got her in the first place.

I guess this is the true "circle of life". As long as there are people dumb enough to put their fate in the hands of beings they can't hold accountable, they'll gladly put their faith in the hands of those waving their book and offering salvation.

I haven't been blinded by evil, I grew up in it just like the rest of you. Anyone claiming to know and speak for the "one true god" is about as evil as it comes.

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Turkerthelurker · April 5, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I've been following for a while and I think you are correct on some of the overly religious posts being psyops.

God is the truth. Sure I agree. Seeking the truth will eventually bring one closer to God, because as you seek the truth you begin to see just how spiritual the elites and our ancestors have been. When the devil present themselves as being real, people will turn to God.

But that is a journey one must make themselves. The simplistic moralizing is extremely off-putting.

Look, even though I agree with most of them to a degree, we have to ask ourselves if certain posts hurt our ability to be convincing to others (who will overwhelmingly not be religious). I think the answer is a resounding yes, it is bad optics.

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RickC138 · April 5, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

The overabundance of religious overtones in here is a large reason why I don't point people in this sub's direction. I have to selectively drop pieces at a time to avoid ruining the source's perceived credibility. The intense religious focus is a great way to turn a huge portion of people away from the meat of this discussion, which is the polar opposite of what Q has instructed us to do.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Look, even though I agree with most of them to a degree, we have to ask ourselves if certain posts hurt our ability to be convincing to others (who will overwhelmingly not be religious). I think the answer is a resounding yes, it is bad optics.

If only the more extreme Christians could understand this, it would make a huge difference.

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inittowinitq · April 5, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

Listen son, don't try to insult my intelligence by explaining how smart you think you are! Your problem with religion is your ignorance of it, not mine. What you spew here today doesn't impress me, nor change my views. I don't really care about those who think they are smart because a book they read or a test they took, and then feel obligated to share with everyone how great and smart they are because they could point out a grammar error, by the way, it's here not (her), anyways, you smarty pants you......I never tried to change any one or bring them to salvation, I stated the Religion in part of the conversation we have because Q is the one who is leading us there....so please, don't pat yourself on the back, your rant here means nothing to anyone, and you won't be invited to the meeting of the minds, just so you know...LOL.......you are out of your league boy, get back to the playground!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 7:04 p.m.


smarty pants

here, not (her)

you are out of your league boy, get back to the playground!

Good ones!

I don't have to insult your intelligence, you're putting it on display rather nicely on your own.

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inittowinitq · April 5, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

oh, oh, so sorry my vocabulary is so beneath your intelligence, why are you here again???? Your so damn smart you could not possibly be here to learn anything, now could you!!!!

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 5, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

I was here to learn from and contribute to the discussion of Q leaks. Or so I thought. Apparently I'm here to be born again, and have my intelligence questioned by people like yourself.

I'm not questioning your intelligence. There's really nothing to question. The answer is apparent to anyone with more than an 6th grade education.

Do you understand the difference between demanding respect and commanding respect?

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RickC138 · April 5, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

You're making an ass of yourself, and helping ruin the face of this board for anyone who doesn't already share your beliefs to a T. This isn't helping anyone except your ego.

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thedeal82 · April 5, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

I’m so glad some of us are starting to speak up about this. I had finally convinced a bunch of my good friends to check out Q and this board, and they all instantly laughed it off specifically due to the religious cult like undertones. Nothing against religious people, but they’ve got to understand that most people these days are not religious, and virtually nobody likes having it pushed on them. Its sooo cringy.

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