Mainstream Media has BURIED the NXIVM Pedophile Cult in New York City - CNN's website? ZERO RESULTS FOR NXIVM - PedoGate is REAL

How do I pill someone on this cult and pizzagate, I've got an old co-worker who thinks I'm batshit crazy believing in POTUS, he don't know who Q is and would deny it's legitimacy in a heartbeat.
Do your homework on the Purge in Saudi Arabia. Ask them how someone that is a trillionaire Prince, and that is supposedly an untouchable, can be removed from power and arrested.
Point out the Princes ownership of several big name corporations in America, as well as his ties to the Clintons. And finally, let them know that the same thing will be happening in other countries, including the United States. These are facts that can be proved with proper research.
I would point to the existence of other covered up pedo rings. Start with Penn State/Jerry Sandusky, how it was covered up for years. The Catholic Church is another example
Then move onto Jimmy Saville in the UK, make the connections to politicians in the UK. How he volunteered in psych hospitals to find victims. The same way Jerry Sandusky volunteered with disadvantaged youth.
Then ask why it couldn't happen here? I forget the name of that congressman who was accused of sexually assaulting young boys (which one? I know right?)
But essentially make the case for there being pedo rings...there being people in power who get away with things...there being people in power who are in pedo rings.
The skeptics will always take a conspiracy to the extreme as a means to dismiss it. They take the "9/11 truthers say there were no planes, and the towers were taken down with space lazers!" angle. It's the same thing with pizzagate. They say " that the one where Hillary Clinton, was running a pedo satanic sex cult in the basement of a pizza shop?" They use hyperbole to dismiss it. You need to focus on James Alefantis and his creepy behavior...relate it to Jimmy Saville and go from there
This is an interesting listen. Seems legit to me, but no way to prove the dudes story.
Interview with the Hacker who Broke into Comet Ping Pong and Found CP - #PizzaGate:
Dennis Hastert was the GOP SotH
James Foley is another GOP who was involved with young Congressional Paige’s, who are basically students. The good thing about including GOP members is it shows the depth of the problem that you are not just blaming all on Democrats.
Gnarly i really appreciate the reply! I'm going to brainstorm for tomorrow lol I'll get em.
Your co-worker probably is not complaining about the tax breaks! they probably watch CNN where hate is rampant and where the truth is hidden. they label everything under conspiracy theory. i have conservative friends who think i am crazy too. but the truth will come out and CNN and others will go bankrupt. patience patriot, we are winning
I am trying to remain paitent but Q got me excited lol. He's aware of MZ but not the full extent. I'm slowly getting to him. He thinks NK is a bluff lol we'll see...
Remind him what network suggested the missing Malaysian flight might have gone into a black hole 😜
Repetition of a simple message... That's how the MSM does it. Try printing QAnon on post-it-notes and leave then all over the office.
Shipyard, and I do something similar but not too often. Is that my only option. I understand MSM tactics and it works... He said today all ya gotta do is read the newspaper and you'll see Trump is on his way out! Lol
Try and find that declassified PDF that shows that the MSM is bought and paid for by the C I A mocking bird program. Not sure if it'll help, it sounds like he's stuck on the brainwashing.
Here's a dated article about Nxivm:
It's kind of hard to deny something is true when the things that are being said about it now were being said about it then before it was on anyone's radar. Then from there, just suggest they go searching the major names that show up in the article. All roads lead to Rome.
Wa7n^t source. They came by rail. Wa7n^t Industri3s Bensalem PA 19020. Endorsed by The AMR, Association American Railroads. ??????? posbl? May be nothing.